Current research aims to identify vocational stability for educational guides in Basrah Governorate, where research community included educational guides in service in government schools, and to achieve research aim, researcher chose a sample consisting of 200 mentors and Guides , researcher used a questionnaire research tool It consisted of 20paragraphs, extracted from vocational stability literature , and it was presented to a group of experts and arbitrators to extract its apparent honesty, to measure existence of characteristic or apparent or not, and percentage of acceptance of paragraph was based on (80 %) or more, where all paragraphs won On required percentage, and for purpose of completing validity of construction, researcher applied scale on research sample to extract distinctive strength of scale vertebra For paragraphs, where several paragraphs that get a calculated, calculated value (1.96) and more statistically indicate at level of significance (0.05) and degree of freedom (106), it appeared that all paragraphs were distinct because calculated Total values are greater than Table value (1.96), and it has results of statistical analysis indicate that educational guides in general have high vocational stability at work.
Keywords: vocational stability, educational Guides
Research problem
vocational problems varied and increased recently, including problem of vocational stability as a result of diversity and different nature of profession, some of which have a high physical return and some of m are low, and some need scientific experience and need psychological and social experience. Through his joining a work commensurate with his specialization and professional inclinations, individual hopes to achieve various psychological needs, including obtaining his social place and vocational stability that aspires to him, or desire to belong and interact with co -workers, or achieve more professional growth, which is reflected in giving vocational stability and family, psychological and social compatibility. It should be noted that achieving aims of individual in field can only be through achieving aim of professional environment itself. Therefore, understanding motives of psychologists and educators requires an understanding of relationship between individual's interactions with his vocational stability environment In words, when work is not satisfied with individual's psychological and professional needs, his abilities and skill, this causes poor compatibility, as vocational stability is related to individual’s consensus with his professional and social environment, more stable in his work, less vocational stability problems and disorders, represented by interruption, speculation, raising chaos and vocational laziness. And that researcher through his work as a professor and a guide has noticed that most of psychologists and educators in various schools and in all parts of governorate are facing vocational stability burdens in field of work that led to emergence of many problems in professional environments, which are difficulty of interacting with peers and adapting to an administrative system in school. It causes effects behaviors that negatively reflected vocational stability.
Research Importance
Subject of vocational stability is one of topics that has taken a large part of attention of researchers and students in field of professional psychology, because vocational stability is an important variable as it is directly related to success or professional failure of individual in government institutions. In fact, profession is of great importance in life of individual and society, as it is most important sources in satisfying his biological and psychological needs, as it is "most important determinants of his social status, and his delivery to important channels such as wealth, strength and prestige in society. It is clear from Maslo 1970 pyramid that when individual does not satisfy his needs and achieves himself through his profession, he is unbalanced and unstable, and this prompts individual to perform a specific behavior that aims to restore internal balance to achieve comfort and vocational stability. [1]" value of work in society is no less than its value for individual, in addition to importance of material work and its economic role", it has a role in social relations, its organization and role in civilizational level of society and its ability to provide reassurance and vocational stability necessary for all progress and in achieving goals of society in It is clear from Maslo ,1970 pyramid that when individual does not satisfy his needs and achieves himself through his profession, he is unbalanced and unstable, and this prompts individual to perform a specific behavior that aims to restore internal balance to achieve comfort and vocational stability. [2] "value of work in society is not less than its value for individual, in addition to importance of material work and its economic role", it has a role in social relations and its organization and role in civilizational level of society and its ability to provide reassurance and vocational stability necessary for all progress and in achieving goals of society in elevation and affairs. [2] " importance of vocational stability of two psychologists is that it is related to success of psychological counselor through alignment between guide and himself on one hand", and between him and his professional environment on or hand, work environment or family, and that individual is vocational stability that achieves his material and psychological needs and requirements within environmental framework in which he lives, and it is a degree of flexibility and to form within " environment in which he lives and keeps pace with society in which he lives". [3.] Success in vocational stability is necessary. A professional individual’s success is reflected in family, its happiness, stability, family cohesion, love between its members, safety of relationship between both parents and between children and parents, and extends to include" family relationship with relatives and solving family problems". [4]. Also, vocational stability is not only related to satisfaction of psychological and social needs, but also is also related to concept of personality style, where Holland believes that vocational stability is related to pattern of individual's personality, that is, re "must be good harmony between type of personality and environment" [5] .since vocational stability of educational guides carries a great deal of importance to its attachment to feeling of work and thus affects achievement and superiority in professional performance and behaviors and in social, professional and family relations. His study in a scientific and systematic manner will help us to understand factors affecting vocational stability, especially if we realize that re are guides who may be unstable in work for any reason or any factor of factors that may relate to content of work or outside it. That is, carry a negative trend that may affect how y do work, and this is what many studies indicated in or fields of work. From all foregoing it has become necessary to do a study dealing with identification of professional persistence in educational guides. Importance of current study can be highlighted as follows:
1. It is reflected in services it provides to individual and society.
2. Vocational stability is one of most important indicators success and effectiveness of educational institution, on assumption that institution in which workers do not feel happiness and relief from work and work environment in general will be its presence from success less than one in which individual is professionally stable.
3. Vocational stability is most important vocational stability indicators of psychological counselor.
Research objectives:
Current research aims to following:
1. Learn about vocational stability of educational guides in general.
2. Are statistically significant differences in vocational stability according to variable of type [male - female]
Current research is limited to educational guides for both sexes in middle and secondary schools in governorates of Basrah for academic year 2023-2024
Current research deals with definition of following terms:
First: Vocational Stability.
1. Definition of Doubi 2003:
"Positive interaction of individual means institution in which he works, and through this interaction individual grows, his personality integrates, achieves himself, feels his value and humanity, and feels psychological reassurance." [6].
2. Definition of his validity 2008:
A group of positive feelings expressed by workers in professions. [7].
Theoretical Definition of vocational stability:
It is social and professional interaction of individual with same and professional environment in which he works, which is reflected in his vocational stability in it.
Dial definition:
Total degree obtained by educational guides, on vocational stability scale.
Second: Educational guides
Ministry of Education, quoting [8]. "educational guide as "one of faculty members who are qualified to study students"' educational, social and behavioral problems by collecting information related to problems, this information is related to student himself or environment surrounding him for purpose of insight into his problem and helping him To think about appropriate solutions to this problem or problems he suffers from, to choose appropriate solution that he is satisfied with for himself” [9].
Chapter Two theoretical framework and previous studies
First: Vocational stability:
Concept of vocational stability
Terminology and concepts that have been used to express psychological feelings that individual feels towards his work, and from se moral terms, psychological trend towards work, [attaches to Wards job], vocational adjustment, and vocational stability. Stability [10] - [11] "believes that stability at work takes place when individual has work requirements", and when working conditions are appropriate, n worker works in best way. [11] .As for Super, he indicated that vocational stability is a stage that individual reaches after a long time at work, which he called stage of stability, retention, or stability [Maintenance Stage]. Adaptation process continues to improve its position, with tendency to not change profession. [12] - [13], it was "found that vocational stability is a last stage in career of individual's professional growth, which is specialization stage [Specification]. At this stage, individual has completely chosen work he wants and which is consistent with his inclinations and capabilities and shows success of individual and his feeling of happiness and happiness in Work, as this" stage of specialization represents stage of stability, engaging in work, staying in it, and taking advantage of its returns and starting productivity in it". [14].
Factors affecting vocational stability:
1. Vocational Benefits:
Means difference in profession from or professions, in that this profession or that is unconventional or achieves a material or moral return. One or both of m in performance conditions that differ from conditions of performance in or professions [professional discrimination], as it focuses on same profession, and in that it differs from [discrimination in profession], which indicates performance of individual compared to performance of with him in same profession. And stability and happiness increases for most skilled business occupants that provide a higher position. Happiest people at work are professions that need limited skills. "While this feeling decreases for individuals working in monotonous professions that do not require a high degree of skill" [15].
2. Emotion of Self - Actualization:
Self -realization is person’s tendency to be in location that is compatible with his inclinations, capabilities and capabilities, so that his efficiency appears through optimal independence of se capabilities and capabilities and thus achieves his own goals through profession, and more individual achieved his goals, more hopes and aspirations y were aspire to. Motivation for self -realization is often born in persistence, "so self -realization through profession represents a major vocational stability". [16].
3. Visional Interests:
Tendencies are an important feature of character that psychological studies are interested in, because it is closely related to demand for activity in various fields, as it contributes with or characteristics of or personality such as trends, motivation and values in educational and vocational adaptation. tendencies also constitute one of elements of vocational stability, as it is noted that people are attracted to topics y are ready to work, and departure from those are not ready for, meaning that " tendencies determine what individual does more than determines how work is done". [17].
4. Wages System:
Wages are one of most important incentives of work and it is a great interest in workers and organizations. From point of view of workers, it is an essential way to satisfy material and social needs, and it is one of most important factors, but most influential in individual's impulsion of work and increasing his productivity, or neglecting his weak productivity. From point of view of organizations, one of basic elements in production costs is. "Value of what individuals get in cash contributes to creating a sense of vocational stability and desire to continue to work". [18].
Types of vocational stability
With complete stability: It represents full stability of psychological guides in a currency, as it reaches maximum degree of happiness and a sense of belonging, but it is not necessarily that elements of vocational stability are available, but this depends on nature of individual personality. Partial stability: individual's psychological sense of belonging to work is partially, and here it can be said that" individual or guide did not reach degree of complete stability, as a result of some professional pressures". [19].
Vocational Stability: First Donald Super:
Donald Super is considered one of most famous in field of professional development and his is described as a human and development and one of that contributed to influencing Super ideas is what Carl [20,] - [21] "who focused on individual's behavior is nothing but a reflection through which individual searches to achieve his ideas related to description and evaluation of self". [10] Super, in developing his relied on three foundations that form general framework of namely:
1- Self-concept theory:
individual establishes professions according to his concept of himself and his capabilities and at same time he must realize similarity between him and concept of self is unstable as changes as a result of growth and development of mental, "physical and psychological individual and interaction with and following example of working successful people, as well as concept of professional self develops in same way" [22]. From this standpoint and assumption presented by Super that stability of professional self is a reference to vocational stability of individual in his work and n stability and creativity in it.
2- Differential Psychology: Super shows that "any individual has ability to succeed and professional persistence in several functions". [23]
2- Growth psychology:
Super hypotheses for vocational stability: related to tendencies, individual recipes, a distinct specific group, growth and expertise, economic level, maturity of capabilities, compatibility between characteristics and social factors to achieve concept of self, and achieve growth, which includes several major considerations included in self -concept approach.
• Everyone differs in terms of his abilities, preparations and interests.
• People are qualified to perform a number of different professions.
• Self -concept of individual affects his professional options.
• Each profession requires a distinct model of self -capabilities and interests.
• Growth and experience have a fundamental role in forming concept of self and thus ability to select professional, and self -complete completion begins at end of adolescence. [24] Super assumes that professional growth process takes place through following stages:
1. Growth Stage:
From birth to 14 years, individual grows concept of self, as individual with is similar to developmental tasks during growth phase that includes acquisition of self -understanding and obtaining a "
general understanding of world of business" [25].
2. Exploration:
It starts from 15-24 years, crystallizing preferences. This period is period of self -examination in its relationship with world of professions, and during this period individual also begins direct choice of work, in participating in business for some time, and developmental tasks related to exploration stage include, crystal, identification, and application of preference, also for stage of exploration Three sub -stages:
Temporary stage: extends from 15-17.
Transitional stage: It starts from 18-21.
Trying to adhere to simple: It ranges between 22-24 years [26].
3. Establishment status:
It extends from 25- 44 years that includes individual’s stability supporting choice and trying to develop and progress in profession. As for main development task of this stage, it involves integration and development, and this stage is linked to two sub-stages: Experimental commitment: It extends from 25-30 years in which individual settles in a specific profession or becomes unhappy and seeks to search for another job. Evolution: It extends from 31-44 years, and this is period of vocational stability, "during which individual acquires experience and promotions, as it is period of creativity and production."[21]
4. Maintenance Stage:
This stage extends from age of forty -five to sixty -five. And in it individual tries to preserve what he has achieved or acquired from "profession and tends towards non -change, as he continues to adapt to work to improve his position and preserve acquired position and profits". [5]
5. Decline Stage:
This stage extends from age of sixty -five and above, and at this stage mental and physical force descends, "while developmental tasks at this stage are slowdown in work, liberation and planning for retirement." [27].
Second: Ginsberg theory 1951:
Ginsberg's theory is one of first attempts to develop a detailed of professional growth, as his interest was to clarify stages that individual growth is going through until it reaches enrollment in his specific professions. [10] .Ginsburg was concerned with subject preference for his promise of continuous processes that reflect alignment between individual's tendencies, "capabilities and values, and job opportunities available in environment in which he lives." [28]. Ginsberg has divided professional growth process into three stages:
1. Fantasy Stage:
This stage begins at age of four or five and ends at age of almost eleven. This is according to requirements of individual differences between individuals, and one of most important features that distinguish this period is control and imaginary nature of child's tests, " loss of realistic orientation that is reflected in professional tendencies and preferences expressed during this period". [29].
2. Tentative Stage:
This period extends from [11-18] years and is divided into four different stages:
A. Interests Stage:
It extends from 11-12 years in which child determines what he loves and what he does not like from professions, that is, what tends to him and what is not inclined to him and most important thing that distinguishes this stage is that child's options are not fixed and come as a result of being influenced by parents and child's emotional and physical life is also unstable.
B. Capitulation Stage:
It extends from 12-14 years and is represented by ability of individuals to participate in activities prefer and begins influencing others who are not parents such as teachers and educators.
C. Values Stage:
It extends from14-17 years and child realizes at this stage that actions he performs not only satisfy his abilities and interests, but also provide a service to others and that work he does serves human aims.
D. Transition Stage:
This stage extends from 17-18years. At this stage, professional decision is characterized by realism and relative stability, and individual bears responsibility of decision -making and is" more independent and more able to exercise his capabilities and skills and realizes work requirements". [30]
3. Realistic status:
This stage extends from 18-22 years and is divided into three sub -stages:
A. Exploration:
Entry of university and opportunities to define goals and professional preferences and determine job opportunities that are related to type of study and need of market and in which individual is "more able to determine his professional goals and can choose a profession from among or professions to work with " [31 ].
B. Crystallization:
individual at this stage is more able to identify specialization or work that suits him completely, through his knowledge of his capabilities and inclinations completely and understanding himself as well, and developing an idea of himself to choose a profession that suits him and is" more stable in his career choice". [18].
C. Specification stage:
It is last stage in process of professional growth, and stage of engaging in work and staying in it and benefiting from its returns and starting productivity in it and showing "success of individual and his feeling of happiness and professional persistence at work". [12].
Chapter Three: Research methodology and procedures
Research procedures:
This chapter includes a description of procedures followed by researcher in choosing research sample, building and applying tools and statistical means used in data analysis. Where researcher followed descriptive approach in his research procedures.
First: Research community
Current research community includes all continuous educational guides in middle and secondary schools distributed among public directorates of education in Basrah Governorate. Number is 490 guidelines and guidelines of 210 males, 280 females and table 1explains:
General Directorate of Education Sex | Male | Female | Total |
Education of Basra | 66 | 217 | 283 |
Education of Al -Khasib | 30 | 33 | 63 |
Education of Zubair | 27 | 34 | 61 |
Education of Qourna | 15 | 18 | 33 |
Education of Medaena | 19 | 21 | 40 |
Shatt al-Arab | 16 | 23 | 39 |
Fao | 3 | 2 | 5 |
Total | 176 | 348 | 524 |
Research sample: current research sample was chosen in appropriate random class, as it amounted to [200] mentors and guides and by 120guides and 80 guides and at a rate of no less than 38 % of original community for research distributed among directorates of education in governorates of Basrah and Table [2] explains that :
General Directorate of Education Sex | Male | Female | Total |
Education of Basra | 39 | 63 | 102 |
Education of Al -Khasib | 10 | 14 | 24 |
Education of Zubair | 8 | 12 | 20 |
Education of Kourna | 9 | 11 | 20 |
Education of Medaena | 7 | 10 | 17 |
Shatt al-Arab | 6 | 9 | 15 |
Fao | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total | 80 | 63 | 200 |
Second: Research Tool: Vocational stability Measure:
For purpose of defining paragraphs of scale [vocational stability] and its measurement, researcher and within limits of his professional experience and his knowledge in field of professional psychology literature is professional guidance and personality, he built vertebrae of vocational stability tool consisting of 22 paragraphs in its initial form, where researcher did not find a specific in itself. To components and fields of this concept [variable], which led researcher to [building a vocational stability scale] by collecting and formulating paragraphs through its dependence on integration in professional psychology and personality psychology.
Validity of paragraphs of vocational stability tool [Honesty is ability of test to measure characteristic or phenomenon for which it is placed] and it can be identified by "displaying vertebrae of scale to a group of experts and arbitrators". [31] - [27]. Includes an analysis of content to determine extent of its adequacy in measurement of behavior to be measured [32] In order to verify sincerity of vocational stability tool for educational counselors, researcher relied on finding sincerity of scale on sincerity of Al -Dhahiri. After vertebrae of measurement was prepared in its initial form, consisting of 22 paragraphs researcher presented scale to a group of experts and specialists in Department of Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance estimate of being Good or not valid to measure what I have been put for with response alternatives and validity of giving levels of response and how to calculate grades, and notes of arbitrators resulted in some adjustments in scale paragraphs, and paragraphs that were 80 %have been accepted From arbitrators and more, as for rest of paragraphs that obtained a lesser percentage of arbitrators 'agreement, were deleted, taking into account experts' observations to amend and reformulate some paragraphs, where paragraph3, 6 amended, and 1, 5 a paragraph of tool was deleted You did not get required percentage of honesty and [20] paragraphs that obtained percentage of agreement more than 80 % and table 3 clarifies this
No | Paragraph | Approval | Opponents | percentage |
1 | My work lacks a typical room. | 70 | 1 | 70% |
2 | There is clarity in my responsibilities at work. | 9 | - | 90% |
3 | My profession does not achieve my ambition. | 8 | - | 80% |
4 | Oldest services in solving problems. | 10 | 2 | 100% |
5 | I feel I am restricted in my profession. | 6 | - | 60% |
6 | I am very tired of responsibilities of me. | 10 | 2 | 100% |
7 | I feel my work is valuable. | 10 | 1 | 100% |
8 | Get praise and thanks from constantly. | 10 | 2 | 100% |
9 | I feel that my abilities and preparations are suitable for my profession | 9 | - | 90% |
10 | Get experience by continuing to work | 10 | - | 100% |
11 | My work achieves a medium social status. | 10 | 2 | 100% |
12 | official discusses me in educational problems | 8 | 2 | 80% |
13 | I exchange discussion with others at work. | 10 | 1 | 100% |
14 | It hurts look of to my specialty. | 8 | - | 80% |
15 | Leave my profession if I find a better chance. | 9 | 1 | 90% |
16 | I am fun profession | 8 | - | 80% |
17 | Stability in professional leads to adjustment of material level | 10 | - | 100% |
18 | Rewards in guidance profession are few. | 10 | 2 | 100% |
19 | To some extent, I am satisfied with my profession | 8 | - | 80% |
20 | I find that my profession lacks motivation system. | 8 | 2 | 80% |
21 | I have tools and devices needed to work | 9 | 1 | 100% |
22 | Search for development courses in my profession continuously. | 10 | 2 | 100% |
Alternative scale [selection of grades ladder]
Researcher adopted alternative scale in front of each paragraph according to a scale Likert is quadruple as it has good characteristics, including inclusion, accuracy and high degree of honesty and stability, as well as help to choose largest possible number of paragraphs related to subject to be measured, and provides a degree for each of its paragraphs, and respondent is required to answer all its paragraphs, and is considered one of common standards Use in field of educational research and studies, and in measuring personal trends. Thus, alternatives placed in front of each paragraph for vocational stability tool for educational counselors are [applies to me completely, applies to me often, applies to me sometimes, applies to me rarely, does not apply to me degrees was given to each alternative, respectively 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Where degree of strength of alternatives ranges from 5 that are determined to apply to me completely, and degree 1 applies to a rare.
Discriminate Validity: Discriminate Validity:
This type of honesty is an important species in finding discriminatory force of vertebrae, and we mean ability of paragraph to distinguish between "individuals with high degrees and those who get low degrees in characteristic that we measure on test". [33] - [ 13 ] indicates necessity of keeping discriminatory force paragraphs in scale and excluding or modifying unique paragraphs and experimenting with again] researcher has verified discriminatory force of paragraphs using two extremist groups in total degree, by applying" vocational stability measure of educational guides to statistical analysis It is preferable that it is not less than five individuals for each of vertebrae of scale to reduce effect of chance"[32 ]. degrees of individuals were arranged descending from highest level of entirety in vocational stability scale to lowest degree of it, n two extremist groups in total degree determined by 27% of sample members and number was 54 in each group, and degrees of upper group ranged between [93-71 degree, minimum group between 52 - 43 degrees, and , where several paragraphs that get Calculated Tae value (1.96)or more statistically at a significant level (0.05)and degree of freedom 106 and it appeared that all paragraphs were distinct because calculated T cells are greater than Table value (1.96), and table 4 shows discriminatory force of paragraphs is a measure Vocational stability of educational guides.
No | Arithmetic mean for Group | standard deviation for Group | T value | Indication 0.005 | |||
Higher value | lowest value | Higher value | lowest value | Calculated | Table | ||
1 | 3.34 | 2.33 | 1.11 | 0.15 | 6.59 | 1.96 | moral |
2 | 3.57 | 2.87 | 0.72 | 1.13 | 2.74 | ||
3 | 3.28 | 1.84 | 1.01 | 1.12 | 6.70 | ||
4 | 3.85 | 2.71 | 1.14 | 1.10 | 4.86 | ||
5 | 3.96 | 2.35 | 0.83 | 1.34 | 4.19 | ||
6 | 3.49 | 1.41 | 1.05 | 1.02 | 7.90 | ||
7 | 3.34 | 2.91 | 0.82 | 1.22 | 2,38 | ||
8 | 3.93 | 2.38 | 0.71 | 1.24 | 3.98 | ||
9 | 3.91 | 2.59 | 1.49 | 1.16 | 3.94 | ||
10 | 3.97 | 2.98 | 1.29 | 1.10 | 4.30 | ||
11 | 3.50 | 2.77 | 0.76 | 1.26 | 4.37 | ||
12 | 3.56 | 2.92 | 1.25 | 1.11 | 2.96 | ||
13 | 3.84 | 2.85 | 1.39 | 1.31 | 2.79 | ||
14 | 2.74 | 2.15 | 1.23 | 1.35 | 2.77 | ||
15 | 3.23 | 2.76 | 1.16 | 1.30 | 2.54 | ||
16 | 2.67 | 1.51 | 1.13 | 0.76 | 6.83 | ||
17 | 2.62 | 1.91 | 1.26 | 0.74 | 3.81 | ||
18 | 2.71 | 1.84 | 1.77 | 0.67 | 4.75 | ||
19 | 3.74 | 2.40 | 0,76 | 1.05 | 7.13 | ||
20 | 3.96 | 3.36 | 0.84 | 1.31 | 3.55 |
Disability scale-
Stability is one of important concepts that any measure must be enjoyed in, and it, also means stability, meaning that if you repeat measuring one individual, results will show something of stability and also means Objectivity.
For purpose of extracting stability for vocational stability scale in educational guides, researcher used Test -Retest method [Test - Retest]
Test method - Repeat [Test - Retest]: -
For purpose of extracting stability in this way, scale was applied to a sample of educational counselors, which numbered [20] mentors and counseling. Scale is high that can be left [11].
Tool application
After completing study tool and making it valid for application, and after basic research sample was identified and for purpose of obtaining data related to this study, researcher applied study tool to research sample of 200 mentors and guides from directorates of education in governorates of Basrah.
Fourth: Statistical means:
1- Percentage
2- Arithmetic Mean.
3- Standard Devotion.
4- Pearson correlation coefficient. Persons Correlation Coefficient.
5- T. Test. Two independent sample
6- t. Test. One sample.
Chapter Four Presentation and Interpretation of Results
First: Knowing vocational stability
To achieve this aim, researcher applied vocational stability scale on a sample of [200] mentors and guides, "vocational stability scale amounted [60] degrees and to learn about differences between averages, T-TEST test was used for a sample and society". [13].
Calculated TV value was reached (10.26), which is a statistically significant value at level of significance (0.05), as it is greater than highly tabular value (1.96) and table 5 shows this.
Variable | Arithmetic | Standard deviation | Hypothesis mean | T value Calculated | Indication 0.05 |
Vocational stability | 200 | 81.03 | 28.93 | 60 | Significant |
Result of statistical analysis has indicated that re is a statistical indication in vocational stability of educational guides, and this result indicates that guides enjoy vocational stability, through which we conclude that y are in future that y are successful in performance, and researcher attributes that y are able to face problems face, and are able to Providing assistance to others, as are to accomplish work entrusted to m, believing in mission and mission as educational leaders, and that have capabilities, energies and scientific capabilities that can be invested well towards achieving goals of educational process. Second: significance of differences in vocational stability according to gender variable (male-female). For purpose of identifying significance of differences in vocational stability according to gender variable, researcher, after calculating computational medium of male sample, which reached 73.34 and standard deviation reached 22.24. Mimetically medium of female sample, which reached 78.64and standard deviation 31.98and test was applied to two eyes Independent to know significance of differences between males and females. Between males and females in vocational stability Table 6 shows this
Variable | Sex | Sample | Arithmetic mean | Standard deviation | T Value | Indication 0.05 | |
Calculated | Table | ||||||
Vocational stability | male | 200 | 73.34 | -5.19 | 1.96 | Significant | |
Female | 200 | 78.64 |
result of this goal showed a statistical indication of vocational stability of educational guides according to sex [male - female] and for benefit of females, and researcher attributes this result until re are differences in vocational stability between males and females in terms of value of Total value and calculations, where as shown in table 6 computing medium of females is higher than male in vocational stability educational guides are more interactive and harmonious in profession with colleagues and more able to match between character characteristics and professional environments, as are more capable of giving and positive social pair From females.
1. Sample members enjoy high vocational stability.
2. Females are more capable of vocational stability than males.