- Garden Philosophy,
- Holistic Education,
- Merdeka Curriculum,
- Joyful Learning,
- Sustainable Education
Copyright (c) 2025 Alip Purnomo, Mochamad Nursalim , Amrozi Khamidi
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Background: Ki Hajar Dewantoro's "garden" philosophy integrates intellectual, moral, social, and spiritual dimensions for holistic education, as reflected in the Taman Siswa model. Knowledge Gap: Modern education often neglects these principles, resulting in fragmented learning. Aim: This study examines the relevance of the "garden" philosophy in modern education, aligning it with the Merdeka Curriculum. Results: A semiotic analysis reveals the philosophy’s enduring relevance, particularly in promoting joyful, student-centered, and sustainable learning. Novelty: It bridges historical educational ideals with contemporary practices. Implications: The "garden" philosophy offers a foundation for holistic, inclusive education systems that address current challenges effectively.
- Ki Hajar Dewantoro's "garden" philosophy emphasizes holistic, inclusive education integrating intellectual, moral, and social dimensions.
- The Merdeka Curriculum aligns with the philosophy, focusing on student-centered and joyful learning approaches.
- Revitalizing this philosophy can address modern educational challenges and foster sustainable, meaningful learning systems.
Keywords: Garden Philosophy, Holistic Education, Merdeka Curriculum, Joyful Learning, Sustainable Education
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