DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.1408

Analysis on Teaching Online Strategy in Speaking Skill Used a Teacher in School

Analisis Strategi Pengajaran Online dalam Keterampilan Berbicara yang Digunakan Guru di Sekolah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Speaking Skill Teacher Strategies


Teaching strategy is a sequence of activities that systematic, general patterns of teacher activities that include about the sequence of learning activities, the order of achieving the goals that have been specified.The objective of the research are: (1) to identify the strategies used by the English teacher in teaching speaking . (2) To find out the problems faced by the English teacher in teaching strategy on speaking .The research methodology in this research is a descriptive-qualitative design. The subject of the research is the teacher of class at the seventh grade of Junior High School, in here only one teacher and the students it is consist of 31 students that one class only.the strategies in teaching speaking that are: use the Individual work, based on activities on easy language, give instruction or training in discussion skills, and keep students to speak the target language. The techniques of collecting the data in this research are: doing interview with English teacher. This technique of data analysis which used in this research was interactive model of analysis, the model of data analysis from Miles and Huberman. That are: colleting the data, reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusion. In this study used data triangulation, source and theory. This research finding that the teaching strategies used the teacher in speaking class of full day class at seventh grade in SMP Hangtuah 5 Candi . The first meeting, the teacher in teaching speaking skill used three strategies that are: used keep students to speak the target language, base the activities on easy language, and the teacher used the Individual work. 


Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal. Speaking becomes the most important skill because it is needed in daily life for communicating easily and effectively. Speaking is the most important skill and the mastery of speaking skills in English is importance for second and foreign language learners.When someone speaks, they interact and use the language to express their ideas, feeling and thought. Speaking is one of important parts in teaching language also because it includes one of four basic language skills. There are two kinds of language namely spoken language. Spoken language is speaking ability which enables the speaker to transfer the information directly and spontaneously. One of the most popular languages in the world is English. It is correspondingly asserted by Cole (2008) that it is the teachers’ role to provide effective plans or strategies in accomplishing students’ educational needs, whose general purpose is to communicate using the language learning. Thus, a good strategy will make the learning process more interesting and helping the students to understand the materials more easily. Therefore, this journal is focused to carry out the study, entitled:Analysis on teaching online strategy in speaking skill used a teacher of SMP Hangtuah 5 Candi

Literature review

According to [1]“Realistic classroom speaking activities can be seen as an opportunity for rehearsing the things learners may want to do outside the classroom, but in save environment, where mistakes can be learned from, rather than lead to difficulties and embarrassment”. This can be meant the purpose of teaching speaking at school is to provide students with real-time speaking as the preparation before they began to speak outside of school. The students could practice with their friends or the teachers in the classroom. It could increase students’ confidence which influenced their performance in real speaking situation gave encouragement and helped students to develop oral fluency and accuracy in English as well. Fluency meant instead having the ability to produce reasonably large amounts of language fairly quickly- it is characterized by the ability to ‘keep going’ and being able to get the message across effectively without undue pauses and hesitations. Fluency focused on communication, while, accuracy is the ability to produce language which is relatively free of mistakes, [2]. [3] states that the mastery of speaking skill in English is a priority for many second- language or foreign- language learners. [4] states “teaching and learning strategy is whole of procedures that require by both the teacher and students in education activity to achieve a certain goal. [5] define strategies as approaches to instruction that apply in a variety of content areas and are used to meet arrange of objectives. According to [6] strategies quite broadly as procedures that facilitate a learning task Strategies are most often conscious and goal driven. Another statement from another researcher about strategy is [7] state that strategy is a conscious plan for achieving learning. While, [8] states a teaching strategy comprises the principles and methods use for instruction ... The goal of a teaching strategy is to facilitate learning, to motivate learners, to engage them in learning, and to help them focus. This statement interpreted strategy as instruction which has principle and methods which could be, not only, to facilitate learning but also to motivate, engage, and help learners. Motivation is very important for students because it is one of establishment for the successful of education. According to [9] students’ motivation breaks into two aspects, namely:

1. Extrinsic motivation is motivation comes from outside the classroom and may be influenced by a number of external factors such as the attitude of society, family and peers to the subject, or the motivation that students bring into the class.

2. Intrinsic motivation is the kind of motivation that is generated by what happens inside the classroom in this could be the teacher methods, the activities that students take part in, other perception of their success or failure.

[10] mentions that a teacher is a professional educator, educated, showing high performance, and scientist whose primary job is to transform, develop, and disseminate science, technology and the art through education, research and community service.

Research Method

The research in this study is descriptive qualitative research. For qualitative researcher, the purpose of phenomena can be understood carefully if conducted through interaction with the subject by deep interview. Qualitative researchers seek to understand a phenomenon by focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down into variables. the research subjects were the two teachers who teach English Speaking at SMP Hangtuah 5 candi .The result of this research can be known if the researcher was done the research. The reason why the researcher interested with this teacher was because this teacher used the strategy that could make the students more active in speaking and the teacher has good quality and various strategies in speaking skill. In collecting the data two types of instruments were used by the researcher, observation and interview.

Finding and Discussion

The teachers’ strategies were collected through the observation and interview. After doing the observation and interview, the researcher found the data that displayed in the following: Athira describe cat The cat is a pet animal.It has a lovely round face. It has four legs, two ears, two eyes and a tail. Its body is covered with soft fur. Cats are different colours. It has sharp teeth and sharp claws. It walks without making sound. It can climb up a tree and can jump from one roof to another. It is found all over the world. It is found of milk and fish. It also eats meat, rice and curry. The cat kills rats. It is very useful to us. It makes a sound “Mew” When it sounds Mew. Ruben describe cat Cat is a cute animal.i have a five cat it since a six grade elementary school,but sadly there were not at here anymore.three of my cat put away buy my mom in traditional market in the larangan because they were not a media we are family,but hopely the other two cats were very clever turn out after one year they just never came home.from my experience cat have a four legs outly they legs very unique because they can bed flexibledoing walking to the hole,and ot easily jump high. Also its type different eyes colour such as black and advise to me if you want to have cat as you pet they have a pet shop rather thanbegin up. Lintang describe cat Then haven’t cat and certain type usually he goes as pets many people likes cat because of there adorable be haver cat usually eat cat fish but must is special food from petshop be careful because cats have love for protection .


Based on the result of my observation and interview at SMP Hangtuah 5 Candi, then analyzed them based on the related studies, the researcher took a conclusion as follows: The strategies used by the English teachers in teaching English speaking were: using video. Also the mostly strategy used by the teachers in teaching English speaking was

Using video strategy because the teachers concluded that by applying the forming Using video strategy, students became more confident and active in video based on the materials which were given by the teachers in the class. Forming using video strategy also made the students become so enthusiastic in learning.


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