DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.1511

The Parent Perception Toward Studying-at-Home Activity During Pandemic Covid-19

Persepsi Orang Tua Terhadap Kegiatan Belajar di Rumah Selama Pandemi Covid-19

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Univeritas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

The Parent Perception Studying-at-Home Covid-19


This study aims to identify parents' perception of learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. In this study, respondents as many as 5 people consisting of parents who were given the initials P1, P2, P3, P4, P5. Data collection using qualitative case study method and data retrieval process in this study comes from interviews obtained by parents' perception of learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic. Data analysis techniques in this research use descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study show that there is a perception of parents towards learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic is considered less than optimal because the learning process is not directly carried out with teachers, the learning process must have technological tools in the form of gadgets in order to follow distance learning. In addition, the use of online learning parents have to buy additional quota even though there is free internet quota, but the use of free internet quota is used all the time for learning activities at less savings. Learning at home is done considering the health aspect becomes a very vulnerable aspect to this disaster because the ease of transmission from covid-19 is very fast and can infect anyone who makes contact with people with covid-19, especially for those who have a low immune system.


Learning is a process of student interaction used in an environment that can cause a change in behaviour in a better direction. In learning activities have an interest in the relationship of one component to another. That component influences an achievement in success in terms of teaching and learning, because the teacher as a facilitator and inspiratory in education. Education is defined as a system. That is, where education is a whole human work that is formed from parts that achieve functional relations in an effort to achieve the ultimate goal of education itself [1].

In establish that the learning process is carried out at home, to avoid the deadly virus. So that, the role of the parent is very large to supervise and guide learning from home during covid-19 plague occurred in Indonesia [2]. This perception is what happens among parent to accept or take a wise attitude in an educational problem. Perception as an important reason to be able to perceive differently in managing the information received. In this case, the dominant influence since the online role process has been assigned so far has been assigned by the teacher to become a parent assignment, namely time scheduling activities, division of tasks and internalization of norms. In this case the parent also has general factors that can affect or hinder learning. So the role of the parent is very important to address the implementation of a policy in education during the time of learning from home (Study from home) [3].

Even though teachers have the responsibility to educate their students, it is important for parents to realize that the children's education process returns to their responsibility, the initial obstacles that often arise every day from implementing distance learning are considered not optimal through online. In addition, the parent has a major challenge and task in passing the days with meaning, in order to provide the best educational services for them and provide maximum assistance so that children can be helped through difficult times in carrying out the learning process from home. In this case, the authors provide a parent solution in terms of education in emergencies Covid-19 [4].

Therefore, the author is interested in showing the problem in this study with the title. “THE PARENT PERCEPTION TOWARD STUDYING-at-HOME ACTIVITY DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19”.


In this study, researchers used descriptive qualitative research using a case study approach or research method to analyze The Parents' Perception Toward Studying-at-Home Activity During Pandemic Covid-19. In this study the researcher choose 5 parents as informants in the study. The research instrument was in the form of interviews, interviews were conducted online. Using online android media as communication for conducting interviews is very necessary because with the Covid-19 constraints there are many things that cannot be observed directly by researchers [5].

So the researchers chose data sources, namely interviews and documentation of research results. It is a technique in which data is collected via an online android between indirect interviewers. Then the researcher only took 10 questions. Interviews were conducted to find out cases faced by parents, the findings of the interview were then explained in depth. In addition, this interview grid for parents to provide information about The Parents' Perception Toward Studying-at-Home Activity During Pandemic Covid-19 [6].

Based on the results of the research and discussion previously described, The Parent Perception Toward Studying-at-Home Activity During Pandemic Covid-19. So it takes information from the informant . Then the researchers collected the array of data used for the interview. This aims to be able to interpret a data obtained through the interview process. The interview focused on 5 informants with initial names, namely P1, P2, P3, P4, and P5. Then the composition of the interview results presented researchers as follows: [7]


1. In the first informant question, researchers asked “Apakah system belajar dari rumah sangat optimal selama pandemic covid-19?” (Was the learning from home system optimal during pandemic Covid-19).

P1 say that: “Emmm, Kurang optimal dan kurang efektif, sehingga sering menjadi malas saat ada darling atau tugas. Apalagi jika tugasnya banyak sering nunda”. (Emmm,Less optimal and less successful, when there is an online or assignment, they also become lazy. Particularly when the assignment is sometimes delayed).

P2 say that: “Emm, tidak optimal karena tidak langsung dengan gurunya, sehingga saat diterangkan tidak memahamai pelajaran, ya kalau kadang guru menanyakan pelajaran tapi kan tidak bisa paham gitu”. (Emm,Not perfect because it's not with the instructor directly, but when they clarify that they don't understand the lesson, yes, the teacher often asks about the lesson but can't understand it, right).

P3 say that: “gimana ya, lebih enakan disekolah kalau bertanya bisa langsung ke gurunya. Biasanya anak-anak terkendala jaringan karena sering lemot”. (What do you think. It's best to ask the teacher directly at school. Kids typically have trouble with tissues because they are always sluggish).

P4 say that: “Belum, makin banyak yang gak ngerti pelajarannya,kan sudah lama tidak sekolah cuman online aja”. Kan ya harus butuh qouta buat ngirim tuganya itu. apalagi sekarang konfirmasinya melalui grup sekolah. (Not yet, more and more people don't understand the lesson, since school has just been online, it's been a long time. In order to apply the assignment, you need a quota. In fact, the clarification is now via the school community).

P5 say that: “enggak optimal, awalnya kan sekolah terus sekarang online kan ya harus punya hp sama quota juga tapi kan ada quota gratis tapi ya kadang kalau quotanya habis ya beli sendiri juga sama aja aplagi sekolah masih belajar online”. (Not optimal, at first the school continues to be online now, right? You have to have a cellphone with a quota too, but there is a free quota, but sometimes when the quotation runs out, buy the same yourself, especially schools are still learning online).

2. In the second informant question, researchers asked “Apa kendala yang sering dialami saat belajar dari rumah selama beberapa bulan ini selama pandemic covid-19?” (What obstacles did you often experience when study from home during pandemic Covid19).

P1 say that: “Ya, kalau dulu pas waktu kondisi keluarga saat pandemi masih stabil sekarang kondisi keluarga sudah menurun, ya ada keringan Sesudah adanya subsidi dari pemerintah adanya quota gratis”. (Yeah, in the past, when the family's condition was still stable during the pandemic, now the family's condition has fallen, yes, there is a relief).

P2 say that: “kendalnya ya beli quota kan harus main gadget terus quota gartisanya kan habis dipakai terus. Kalau tugas sekolah bisanya tanya dari hp enggak bisa tanya seperti disekolah”. (The problem is buying a quota, you need to play gadgets, then you continue to use the sugar quota. You usually ask for school assignments from a mobile phone, you can't ask like in school).

P3 say that: “kendala dirumah biasanya kalau ingin bertanya ke gurunya enggak bisa terus menerus seperti bertanya pas disekolah”. (If you want to ask the teacher, the issue at home is generally that you can't keep asking, like asking at school).

P4 say that: “anak terlihat malas kalau ada tugas lebih menikmati kegiatnnya sendiri main gadget ngegame untuk fokus pada belajar masih dikatakan kurang optimal kalau dirumah”. (Kids look lazy if they have a job to enjoy their own gaming gadget activities to concentrate on learning is always said to be less than ideal at home).

P5 say that: “kendalanya, ya belajar dari online kan ya harus punya hp sama quota juga tapi kan ada quota gratis tapi ya kadang kalau quotanya habis ya beli sendiri itu kan quota gratisnya dipakai untuk browisng juga selain untuk mengirim tugas apalagi sekolah masih belajar online”. (The issue is, you have to have a cellphone with a quota from online learning, but there is a free quota, but often if the quotas run out, buy it yourself, the free quota is used for browsing and sending tasks, particularly schools are still online learning).

3. In the three informant question, researchers asked “Apakah orang tua di rumah selalu mengawasi belajar anak-anak di rumah selama sistem darling?” (Do parents at home always supervise children’s study at home during the daring system).

P1 say that: “Tidak, kedua orang tua harus berangkat bekerja sampai sore hari sehingga setiap hari mereka belajar mandiri di rumah. kalau mengingatkan sehabis pulang kerja itu kan apalagi sekolah kejuruan kan tidak terlalu banyak tugas”. (No, both parents would go to work until the afternoon so that they study at home separately every day. If you remember coming home from work, especially from vocational school, right).

P2 say that: “tidak Selalu mengawasi soalnya bekerja. Paling bisanya sesudah pulang kerja itu, biasanya ya belajar mandiri di rumah dikerjakan sendiri kalau ada tugas dari gurunya”. (Keep an eye on the issue at all times. Most frequently, I usually do self-study at home after coming home from work if the teacher has an assignment).

P3 say that: “kalau saya sendiri untuk orang tua itu tidak selalu mengawasi karena kedua orang tua bekerja kalau beda shif gitu membantu belajar tapi selalu diingatkan agar selalu belajar dirumah”. (I don't always supervise for my parents myself because both parents work, if the change is different, it helps to learn but always reminds me to always study at home).

P4 say that: “iya meskipun hanya sekedar mengingatkan ada tugas atau tidak dari sekolah, selebihnya dikerjakan sendiri kalau ada tugas sambil main game”. (Yeah, but it is only a reminder of whether there is an assignment from school or not, whether you have assignments when playing games, the rest is handled by yourself).

P5 say that: “biasanya dikerjakan sendiri, kan ya ada adiknya juga yang kecil enggak terlalu mengawasi belajar, ya uda bisa sendiri jadinya dikerjakan sendiri kalau ada PR”. (Usually it is done by yourself, correct, there are also younger siblings who don't really supervise learning, so you can do it yourself if you have homework).

4. In the four informant question, researchers asked “Bisakah orang tua membagi waktu antara anak dan pekerjaan orang tua selama sistem belajar dari rumah dilakukan?” (Can parents divide the time between parent work and child while studying from home).

P1 say that: “Ya, biasanya setiap malam menemani belajar hingga malam hari sesudah pulang dari bekerja. Karena pada pagi hari tidak bisa membantu belajar dilakukan waktu malam hari,kalau pada hari itu libur bisa membantu seharian tugas belajar”. (Yeah, you usually go to study every night until the evening after you come home from work. Since you can't help studying in the morning, you do it at night you can help with all day research activities if that's the day off).

P2 say that: “kalau pas beda shif ibu atau bapaknya gitu membantu belajar tapi ya anaknya sudah ngerti kalau ada tugas ya dikerjakan sendiri sebagai orang tua ya ngingetin terus”. (The mother or father assists with studying when it comes to various transitions, but the child already knows that there are assignments, so do it yourself as a mom, so note).

P3 say that: “iya biasanya tanya pelajaram matematika, kimia, bahasa inggris ya itu. Kalau memang sudah gak bisa tanya ke ibu atau bapaknya pas dirumah kalau beda shif kerja atau pas libur tapi jarang tanya ke orang tua uda dikerjakan sendiri”. (Yes, I usually ask for lessons in algebra, chemistry and English. If you can't really ask your mother or father at home if the change is different for work or during the holidays, but you never ask your parents to do it yourself)

P4 say that: “kalau bagi waktu ya pasti diusahkan untuk anaknya meskipun ya ngingetin kalau main game jangan lupa tugasnya tapi anaknya juga tau tanggung jawabnya sekolah”. (You will probably make an effort for the child for the time being, even though you realize that playing games does not forget the mission, but the child still understands the obligations of the school).

P5 say that: “iya bisa membagi waktunya pas pulang kerja, sebagai orang tua selalu mengingatkan tugas yang diberikan oleh gurunya”. (yeah, you can split your time when you get home from college, as a parent often reminds you of the assignment given by the teacher).

5. In the five informant question, researchers asked “Apakah orang tua menyediakan fasilitas penunjang belajar selama sistem pembelajaran di rumah?” (Do parents provide study support facilities as long as the home learning system is implemented).

P1 say that: “Ya, saya belikan buat sekolah kayak biasanya ya itu buku tulis, kamus, alat tulis handphone minta yang baru yang lama memorinya penuh biar semakin rajin belajar”. (Yes, I bought it for school as usual, namely writing books, dictionaries, cellphone stationery, ask for new ones, which are full of memory, so that they are more diligent in studying).

P2 say that: “iya ada, fasilitasnya ya yang ada itu hp kan online jadinya hp harus punya biar bisa mengirim tugas kegurunya kalau enggak ada bingung mengirim tugasnya, selain itu beli peralatan belajar yang lain kayak buku tulis sama alat tulisnya”. (Yeah, there are, the facilities are the cellphone online, so the cellphone must have it so that if you are not confused about submitting the assignment, you can send the teacher's assignment, besides buying other learning equipment such as writing books and writing instrument).

P3 say that: “iya diberikan kayak fasilitas wi-fi terus alat elektronik itu seperti hp laptop,khusus untuk tugas menggunakan laptop Biasanya dikasih tugas dihp lalu diketik melalui laptop dibelikanbuku-buku, bulpen untuk belajar”. (Yes, given as if facilitated with wi-fi electronic devices such as cellphones, specifically for tasks using laptops. Usually given a cellphone assignment and then typed on a laptop, buy books, pens for studying).

P4 say that: “emm. ya kayak biasanya itu kalau sekolah minta dibelikan buku belajar, buku tulis peralatan tulis, internet yang paling utama kan ya online belajarnya tetep lancar. (emm.Yeah, as is usually the case when schools ask for study books, composition books, writing equipment,The most important thing is the internet, so online learning is still smooth).

P5 say that: “iya, dibelikan meja belajar peralatan sekolah, laptop buat belajar di Zoom”. (Yes, buy a desk for school equipment, a laptop for studying at Zoom).

6. In the six informant question, researchers asked “Apakah ada perhatian khusus yang diberikan untuk memotivasi belajar dari rumah selama pandemi Covid-19?” (Was there any special attention given to motivating study from home during pandemic Covid-19).

P1say that:“Motivasi yang diberikan nasehat biar rajin belajar gitu, kalau ada tugas langsung dikerjakan biar tidak dicari gurunya lupa ngerjakan tugas sama itu absensi online”. (Motivation given advice is to be diligent in studying, if there is an assignment immediately done so that the teacher doesn't look for it, forget to do the same task, online attendance).

P2 say that:“ada. motivasinya itu sering ngasih nasihat tugas dikerjakan,kalau ada tugas ya langsung dikerjakan biar tidak numpuk sering main hp lupa sama tugas sekolah”. (there is. the motivation is often to give advice on tasks to be done, if there is a task, do it immediately so that it doesn't pile up, often playing cellphones forgetting school assignments).

P3 say that: “iya motivasinya itu meskipun ada pandemi gini tetap terus belajar menggapai cita-cita meskipun tidak disekolah, jangan mengeluh tetap berdoa. Kadang bilang kok dirumah terus biasanya memakai seragam dapat seragam kok enggak dipakai, jangan mengeluh tetap berdoa supaya pandemi ini cepet selesai”. (Yes, the motivation is that even though there is a pandemic like this, you will continue to learn to reach your goals even though you are not in school, don't complain, keep praying. sometimes say how come you always wear a uniform at home, why don't you wear a uniform, don't complain, keep praying that this pandemic will quickly end).

P4 say that: “ada. ya selalu memberikan semangat belajar. Semangat menyelesaikan tugas sekolah tepat waktu”. (There is. yes always give enthusiasm for learning. The spirit of completing school assignments on time).

P5 say that: “iya motivasinya agar belajar lebih giat jangan malasmalas belajar karena banyak tugas dari sekolah”. (Yes, the motivation is to study harder, not to be lazy about studying because there are many tasks from school.)

7. In the sevent informant question, researchers asked “Bagaimana cara mengatasi kebosanan saat belajar di rumah saat pandemi Covid-19?” (How do you deal with boredom while studying at home pandemic Covid-19).

P1 say that: “Iya ngobrol diruang tamu biasanya tanya sekolahnya tugas apa aja yang diberikan guru buat hari berikutnya sekedar ngobrol ringan sama ayahnya atau ibunya”. (Yes, chatting in the living room, usually asking the school what tasks the teacher gave for the next day, just chatting lightly with his father or mother).

P2 say that: “Iya tiap hari pegang lihat media sosial itu dimbangi lihat info belajar atau videoyoutube pas waktu di rumah”. (Yes, every day I have to look at social media, I see information on learning or YouTube videos when I am at home).

P3 say that:“itu biasanya memutar musik pakai speaker itu hiburannya”. Tapi sering pegang hp ngegame bareng temen-temennya”. (I usually play music using speakers, that's entertainment but I often hold my cellphone playing with my friends).

P4 say that:“iya kalau libur hari minggu ya main kerumah temanya kadang temenya kesini ya harus tetep jaga kesehatan biar aman, mainan gitar itu dirumah pas sesudah belajar”. (Yes, if it's on Sundays, I play at the house, sometimes the friends come here, so you have to keep your health safe, play the guitar at home right after studying).

P5 say that: “apa ya, ya biasanya bantu masak, disuruh orang tuanya nganter belanja kepasar, daripada enggak nagapa-nagapin kalau sudah beres semua kan bisa pegang hp mainan tiktok itu yang saya tahu, telponan ngasih kabar sama temenya pingin sekolah lagi enggak belajar online lagi”. (What yes, usually help cook, their parents tell them to go shopping to the market, instead of not worrying when it's done, everything is done, I can hold the Tiktok toy cellphone that I know, the phone tells me that my friend wants to go to school and doesn't learn online anymore).

8. In the eight informant question, researchers asked “Apa masalah belajar selama pandemi Covid-19?” (What were the learning problems during pandemic Covid-19).

P1 say that: “Yaa. masalah sering terjadi itu sinyal lambat, sering nyepelehin tugas sekolahnya karena males”. (Yes. the problem that often occurs is a slow signal, often underestimating his schoolwork because he is lazy).

P2 say that: “iya kendalanya beli quota,ya meskipun ada quota internet gratis tapi masih belikan quota.Keseringan malas belajar”. (Yes, the problem is buying a quota, yes, even though there is a free internet quota, you still buy a quota. Often lazy to study).

P3 say that: “iya kendalanya kebanyakan tugas anak-anak itu lupa mau ngerjakan yang mana dulu karena tugas dari sekolah itu kadang ada tugas praktek yang dilakukan dirumah sesuai jurusanya itu audio visual kan minim peralatannya dirumah. kalau ingin bertanya materi ke guru tidak bisa bertanya banyak, terlalu banyak tugas yang diberikan”. (Yes, the problem is that most of the children's tasks forget which ones to do first, because sometimes there are practical tasks done at home, according to the technique, audio visuals, there are minimal equipment at home. if you want to ask the material to the teacher, you can't ask too many questions, too many assignments are given).

P4 say that: “Kurang memahami pelajaran, materinya di berikan oleh guru tidak menjelaskan, untuk pemikiran tiap siswaitu kan berbeda. Ada yang mudah memahami materi dan ada juga yang enggak paham materinya”. (Lack of understanding of the lesson, the material is given by the teacher and does not explain, for each student's thinking is different. There are those who easily understand the material and some who don't understand the material).

P5 say that: “Masalahnya sama dengan masalah pada jaringan internet yang kadang trobel saat dipakai mendownload tugas rumah dari gurunya itu, sering bilang ke saya tentang itu”. (The problem is the same as the problem with the internet network,which is sometimes difficult when used to download homework from the teacher often tell me about it ).

9. In the nine informant question, researchers asked “Apakah ada persepsi orang tua tentang belajar dari rumah selama Covid-19?”(Are there parents’perceptions of study from home during Covid-19).

P1 say that: “iya, orang tua lebih banyak ngingetin,anak sekarang susah dikasih tau jadinya harus diomelin dulu. orang tua sekarang punya tanggung jawab penuh untuk anaknya dipantau langsung dirumah”. (yes, parents are more reminded, children now are difficult to tell, so they have to be nagged first. Parents now have full responsibility for their children to be monitored directly at home).

P2 say that: “iya lebih santai tidak terburu-buru menyiapkan bekal mengantarnya ke sekolah di pagi hari. lebih leluasa memantau belajar anak dirumah”. (yes more relaxed, not rushing to prepare supplies to take him to school in the morning. more freely monitor children's learning at home).

P3 say that: “iya lebih paham karakter anak saya dirumah atau pas waktu ngerjakan tugas itu tepat waktu atau tidak, bisa ngerti secara langsung”. (yes, I better understand the character of my child at home or when I do the task on time or not, I can understand directly).

P4 say that: “iya kesulitan ngontrol belajar itu kan ayah ibunya harus bekerja pas pulang kerja uda pergi main meskipun ada wabah covid-19 anak-anak enggak mau harus dirumah terus apalagi sudah kelas 1 smk”. (yes, it is difficult to control learning, the mother and father have to work when they come home from work, have gone to play even though there is a covid-19 outbreak, the children don't want to have to be at home all the time, especially in grade 1 junior high school).

P5 say that: “kalau menurut saya pribadi mendukung kegiatan dirumah, ya biar orang tua paham teknologi belajar dan ngerasa aman dari penyebaran virus ini dan juga memberikan semangat”. (In my opinion, I personally support learning activities at home, so that parents understand technology and feel safe from the spread of this virus and also provide encouragement).

10. In the ten informant question, researchers asked “Apa harapan Anda di masa depan untuk studi dari sistem rumah selama pandemi Covid-19 baru-baru ini?”(What are your hopes in the future for the study from home system during the recent pandemic Covid-19).

P1 say that: “Sebagai orang tua berharap pemerintah masih ngasih subsidi quota untuk kedepannya, kan ya masih belum tau kapan bisa sekolah lagi,kalau masih ada bantuan kuota internet ini membantu para siswa,biar meringankan orang tua juga ini mbak”. (as parents hope that the government will still provide subsidized quota for the future, don't you know when you can go to school again, if there is still internet quota assistance, this helps students, so that it relieves parents too, sis).

P2 say that: “Harapannya itu loh mbak biar cepet sekolah lagi biar enggak nyantai terus dirumah terus main gitu kalau gak ada tugas dari gurunya”.bantuan quotanya juga dikasih lagi, kalau gak ada bantuan quota ya memberatkan orang tua”. (The hope is that you can go to school quickly so that you don't relax, continue to play at home, continue to play if there is no assignment from the teacher).

P3 say that: “iya itu cepet kembali sekolah aja uda biar enggak lupa pelajarannya kan ya belajarnya dari internet kalau langsung disekolahnya lebih baik kan ada gurunya dikelas”. (Yes, just hurry back to school so you don't forget the lesson, right? Learning from the internet, if you go to school it's better to have a teacher in the class).

P4 say that: “emm. ya semoga pandemi cepet kelar anak-anak bisa sekolah lagi kembali normal lagi, belajar enggak pakai hp, belum beli quotanya, iya ada quota dari sekolah tapi namanya anak-anak ya dipakai terus quotanya ya cepet habis juga akhirnya juga beli sendiri juga”. (emm. Yes, I hope the pandemic will finish quickly, the children can go back to school again, learn not to use cellphones, have not bought the quotas, yes, there is a quota from school but the names of the children are used and the quotas run out quickly and finally buy them yourself too).

P5 say that: “harapannya bisa masuk sekolah ketemu temen-temennya ketemu gurunya lagi,itu aja sih tapi yang paling utama ya dikasih lah quota gartis lagi, kasihan anak-anak soalnya harus belajar online pemahamannya kan kurang meskipun uda dikasih cara ngerjakan soal dari gurunya, tapi kalau ketemu gurunya langsung itu anaknya bisa banyak tanya kegurunya enggak males bangun pagi bangun tidurnya makin siang soalnya kan enggak ada kegiatan dipagi harinya”.

Based on the results of the research and discussion previously described, The Parent Perception Toward Studying-at-Home Activity During Pandemic Covid-19. That the perception of parents in learning activities at home is considered not optimal because the learning process is not directly carried out with the teacher, often the learning process at home becomes lazy when there are online assignments so that assignments are often delayed. In addition, the ability of parents to understand tasks is also limited. So that children must actively ask questions when online learning is carried out in order to understand the given assignment [8].

Moreover, the learning process must have a technological tool in the form of a gadget so that it can still participate in distance learning. The problem is, parents have to buy an additional quota even though there is a free internet quota, but parents think that internet usage is used all the time for learning activities is very less saving. Besides that, another obstacle according to parents is the internet network which is often slow [9].

The results of this study arises the perception that online learning is considered less than optimal because the learning process is not directly carried out with the teacher, the lack of attention from parents who are busy working in the morning or one of the parents has a different work shift, making children lazy when there online assignments and children often underestimate tasks as a result they are often late in sending teacher assignments [10].


The learning process must have technological tools in the form of gadgets so that they can participate in distance learning. The problem is parents have to buy an additional quota even though there is a free internet quota, but internet usage is used all the time for learning activities at a value that is less saving. Parents also hope for an extension of the free quota subsidy for students, because the learning system is still being carried out at home. Apart from that, another obstacle according to parents is the internet network problem which is often slow. Online learning is carried out in the process of learning activities which causes many deficiencies. However, doing online learning has advantages, including the level of interaction between teacher and students, it can be done anywhere and anytime, reaches a very wide range of students and makes it easier to access and store learning material.


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