DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2276

There Is Any Effect Of Board Games For Teaching Reading Second Grade At Junior High School

Ada Pengaruh Board Games Terhadap Pembelajaran Membaca Kelas Dua SMP

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Reading Media Board Games


Game is one of the supporting media in classroom learning. In general, learning media refers to everything that is used to convey messages from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message that can increase or develop the horizons of thinking, feeling, and learning interest of students or students. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of board game learning media in the classroom when applied as a support for continuous learning. This research was conducted in class VIII SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. The findings of this study use quantitative methods, there are two instruments used by researchers, namely the results of the LKS taken twice. For this reason, the use of board games learning media can help teachers and students to facilitate access to learning media assistance in the form of board game media.


Media is a support in an activity in the classroom. In general, learning media refers to everything that is used to convey messages from the sender of the message to the recipient of the message that can add or develop the horizons of thinking, feeling, and interest in student learning. Learning media tools are also used by teachers to convey information and provide additional facilities to students The types of learning media according to [1] Herry (2007: 6.31) states: "There are three types of learning media that can be developed and used in learning activities by teachers in schools, namely: Visual media is a media that can only be seen using the visual senses consisting of projectable (projected visual) media and media that cannot be projected (nonprojectively visual). According to [2] Nurrochim (2013:17-18) states that the media as a mediator who conveys facts between the sender and receiver. When the media carries news or instructional information that contains educational goals, it can be referred to as teaching media. Meanwhile, [3]according to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah and Aswan Zain (2010:121) learning media are all tools that can be used as messengers to achieve learning objectives. In general, there are three kinds of learning media. Namely audio, visual and audio visual media. Audio media is media that can be heard, while visual media is media that can be seen. Learning media that involve the senses of sight and hearing are called audio-visual media[4] (Kasbola, 1993:57). Several years ago, learning media still used traditional oral communication methods. As time goes by and changes in the times of learning media are growing rapidly in the world of education. Media when understood broadly are people, materials, or events that build conditions that enable students to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes. So that teachers, textbooks and the school environment become media.

Learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students through learning resources in a learning environment. In learning the teacher as a source of information or a source of knowledge where students as recipients of information. [5] According to Gagne and Briggs in the book Syaiful Bahri Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Teachers & Students in Educational Interaction (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2010), 324, learning is a system that aims to assist the student learning process, which contains a series of events. designed, arranged in such a way. in such a way as to influence and support students' internal learning processes.

Learning media in general are tools for teaching and learning. Everything that can be used to stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention and abilities or skills of students so that it can encourage the learning process. A board game is a type of game played on a board that is unique to the game. Like other forms of entertainment, board games can depict any subject. Board Game is an old type of game ever created by humans. Board games are found in graves or in ancient paintings and sculptures of the past. This game is a simple tribal heritage (folklore) which is generally made of wood and stone soil. [6] Flanagan: 63. In the past, Board Games were often played by rulers such as kings and ranks.[7] According to Windy Citra Negara, S.Pd., Win Comp Magic Trainer and Entertainer, Creator and Learning Media Designer, and the Motivator Academy Team, (2014-2016), (2016-2017). Seeing the current development of students who are dependent on gadgets, often do not focus on the learning process, get bored easily, and find it difficult to remember the material taught by the teacher, as well as decreased enthusiasm for learning, as is done by the teacher. find alternative learning activities in the classroom. Referring to the previous research conducted by [8] Williyam, Yunus, Aziz (2015) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysian Students' Perceptions on the Use of Games in Teaching Reading Skills. In their study, in Malaysia, a number of policies and programs have been implemented to ensure students master the language. However, reading skills among students were not considered important by students and it was found that the percentage of reading habits among students was low. Therefore, it is important to inculcate the habit of reading among children so that they have better benefits in the future. Thus, games are encouraged to be used in language classes because they are able to change students and change students' perceptions and attitudes in learning English. Researchers try to apply the same thing, namely the use of learning media in learning to read so that students feel more interested and excited in learning.

One of them is by combining the learning process with the use of Board Game and Card Game media, because this media also has an educational element in it so that students can feel happy and enthusiastic when given material in the learning process. In addition, games using board game media/card games also help provide understanding in the formation of character, personality and knowledge in learning at school. From the background of the study, the researcher asked the research question: Is there any effect of using before and after the use of board game board game media on learning to read in class II SMP PGRI 8 SIDOARJO. Games For Learning, Learning is a process of interaction between teachers and students through learning resources in a learning environment. In learning the teacher as a source of information or a source of knowledge where students as recipients of information. Learning is a system that aims to assist the student learning process, which contains a series of events that are designed and arranged in such a way. in such a way as to influence and support students' internal learning processes. Definition of Board Games, Games for Learning English consist of 11 board games. The colorful board lays out the path the player must follow and the English phrase the player must verbally play if they land in a certain room on the board. The player's goal is to move forward as quickly as possible to the 'Done' space. Each turn allows them to advance by the number of spaces indicated by their roll of the dice, but some spaces result in a penalty that keeps them from moving forward. Each board game has a theme that requires students to produce certain types of expressions, so that they practice various vocabulary, grammatical patterns, and functional meanings. And this media is very suitable for researchers to conduct research at SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. From the explanation above, the researcher has a research question: What is the effect of using before and after using board game board games for learning to read in class II SMP PGRI 8 SIDOARJO?. After observing and discussing with subject teachers, the researcher decided that the board game learning media was suitable to be applied in learning English at SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. Previously, subject teachers had never used media in the process of learning English, especially in reading.


Researchers used quantitative methods as the research design. Quantitative research is a research method based on the philosophy of positivism, used to examine a particular population or sample, collect data using research instruments, analyze quantitative or statistical data, with the aim of testing predetermined hypotheses. as the research population using class 8a with a total of 34 students [9]. From the total population, there are 18 male and 16 female students as samples. Experiment is the most successful quantitative research method for significant causal relationships between two or more variables. However, the operating variable is called the experimental treatment, sometimes also called the independent variable (independent variable, experimental variable), treatment variable, or intervention. [10] Sugiyono (2014: 250) states that three four types of experimental design research are pre-experimental designs, true experimental designs, factorial experimental designs, and quasi-experimental designs.

Based on the 2 laws above, the researcher uses a pre-experimental design, because the researcher only uses 1 class in his research. This design is used to determine the effect before and after the use of board game media in learning to read in class VIII SMP PGRI 8. This research design has two types of tests, namely pre-test and post-test. In research, data instruments are very important because they control the validity and reliability of variables to collect data. Data collection instruments are tools chosen and used by researchers in collecting data so that these activities become systematic and facilitated by them. In collecting data, the researcher chose a written test to students as the data instrument as follows: pre-test and post-test. Researchers used tests and learning media as data collection techniques. The researcher collected data by holding two class meetings. first, by giving a pretest before learning with the media begins with the aim of knowing the differences in students' interest in learning in class. After obtaining the results, the researcher then started learning by using the help of the media as a means of supporting learning in the classroom. The results obtained by researchers after learning with and without the use of learning media showed significant differences. students are more interested in learning by using the help of media than just using the textbook method. The researcher used the T1 test method with the median value to determine the difference in values ​​when learning to use media and when not using board games media. This test still refers to the KI (Core Competence) and KD (Basic Competence) that have been determined by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the books they use in their daily learning activities. However, researchers will also continue to refer to the school exam scores given by the English teacher as a comparison.

Finding and Discussion

Researchers have conducted research in the 2018-2019 school year at SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. By first observing at the PGRI 8 Junior High School in Sidoarjo on July 8, 2019 and meeting with an English teacher at the school, Mr. Ade. Researchers also asked about learning English in the school. Regarding the learning system and about the problems faced when students learn English. Then at the second meeting, on the 19th of August 2019. Researchers gave further material about narrative texts and conducted a posttest using board media. By using board games media students become more active in answering questions given by researchers. After carrying out a series of tests namely pre and post test the researchers got quite significant results in the difference in grade 8 at SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. Researchers have calculated and combined the results obtained before and after the research. As for the results found as above with a minimum value of students 50 and a maximum value of 85. With a total pre-test value of 1500 and post-test value of 1655. These results are obtained from calculating all student scores between the pre and post tests.

Researchers find there is an interesting discussion that wants to be raised for a problem. Researchers first made observations at SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. Then found a topic of problems regarding learning media. And then the issue raised by researchers as a problem that must be found a solution. The problem is then analyzed further and is more focused on the learning media applied by the teacher at the school. The use of learning media in SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo is very minimal and rarely uses media in the learning system. The teacher uses the lecture method more often. Then the researchers used media in the form of board games as a learning support media. This game is expected to become a social media and a means of communication with peers. With this media students are expected to be more active in English language lessons at SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. On the opportunity given by the teacher for researchers to approach and try to use the media, found a fact that students prefer learning by using a media as a supporting tool. This can be seen from the difference in student scores between pre-test and post-test. As for the results found as above with a minimum value of students 50 and a maximum value of 85. With a total pre-test value of 1500 and post-test value of 1655. Thus according to the researcher's hypothesis that Ho = There is no influence before and after using the board game on reading in the first grade Junior High School PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. H1 = There is a significant influence before and after using board games on reading in first grade Junior High School PGRI 8 Sidoarjo. Thus it can be concluded that t value> t table, H1 is accepted Ho rejected it means that there is an effect of board games in grade 8 English learning at SMP 8 Sidoarjo.


This research is a quantitative study that examines how the use of board games media can influence students' interest in reading reading which has a high level of difficulty in junior high school students. In terms of reading and understanding images that serve as benchmarks in questions asked in the game bard games can be a benchmark for students in learning reading skills. The difference in student grades can be seen after the researchers conduct research and process data as a whole. The results obtained indicate that board game media are very valid and can be considered as media that can improve students' writing skills. The response of students is also very good and they enjoy learning in class. This research was conducted in two meetings, starting from giving a trial test to another class before the class was used for real research. The next meeting the researchers began to give a pretest and posttest to test how students before and after being given care. Students are asked to do the test individually and they are very cooperative and conducive. Some of them are even very enthusiastic to work because they try new things in the learning they receive. Researchers provide stimulation to students before they do their work. Students also understand about generic structures making it easier for students to work on narrative texts. Researchers also provide some instructions on worksheets to help students write their own essays. In addition, students' reading skills are also seen from aspects of the language they use such as the use of vocabulary, grammar, and how to read correctly. The average pre-test value was 80.00 while the average post-test value was 85.00. It can be concluded that the students' grades increased significantly after the use of media board games in SMP PGRI 8 Sidoarjo.


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