DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2350

The Effect of Mind Mapping Techniques on Writing Text Descriptions for Grade 7 Junior High School Students

Efek Teknik Mind Mapping Terhadap Penulisan Teks Deskripsi Siswa kelas 7 Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Descriptive Text Mind Mapping Effect Writing Skill


Teaching subject of English is a compulsory. English as a subject in school immediately improved all four of the abilities. The four abilities are: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of students of 7th Grade in SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo, especially at 7 E Class, who cannot reach minimum passing grade (KKM) caused by some lack in English lesson, specifically in writing ability of Descriptive text. Common obstacles students are facing are for example: Students cannot create their writing concept of descriptive about people, thing, places, and animals. This study attempted to answer the following research question (1) is there any significant effect of mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text at seventh grade of SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo. In carrying this research, the researcher formulated the objectives of the study as follows: To find out the effect of mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text at 7th grade of SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo. Research method: The research design is pre-experimental research with quantitative approach, The population of this research were all students of 7E SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo, The sample was seventh E class consisting of 32 students, The research instrument used in this research was test and the data collected through test was analyzed using T-test formula. The result showed that different of mean score of students’ writing before being taught using mind mapping technique was 57. Meanwhile, the mean score of students’ writing after being taught using mind mapping technique was 86,59. The finding showed that the mind mapping technique was effective to use in teaching writing descriptive text for it could improve students’ writing ability. This research has benefit in English Education study, especially for further research to enrich the resource


Teaching subject of English is a compulsory. It does not happen in the last education plan, it does happen too at recent education plan to be required learning lesson for junior high school students. English as a subject in school immediately improved all four of the abilities. The four abilities are: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Studying English in school must be relied on of taking care of everyday matters in correspondence plus to take the students’ test in higher degree and lastly to get new and better profession. Mastering language skills will determine the students’ communicative competence in the target language.

The four of English’s most important abilities that have been mentioned must have been learned to pupils. In fact, the four abilities could not have any distance to each for the goal is to accomplish flowing communication without obstacle in speaking. Between the four abilities, writing is one of those hard abilities to pupils in order for understanding. Writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners.

Build upon fundamental capability appropriate to seventh grade, scholar wish study various types of writing, such as descriptive texts, recount texts, narrative texts, and procedural texts. Junior high school students must master several types inclusive of descriptive text, that they discover within any printed substance. Create oral and written descriptive texts through folk, creature, as well as objects. This inclusived in the primary skills (Kompetensi Dasar) in the two thousand and thirteen education plan/ curriculum.

In addition, the school's policy for the basic passing evaluation score, or the lowest fulfillment basis (Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum) are at least 60 (sixty). Students should at least have the ability to write, remembering that is a bit difficult. Students must manage understand lexicon as well as grammar script within English, in order that the scholar manage compose term properly.

Nevertheless, there are still a lot of students of 7th Grade in SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo, especially at 7 E Class, who cannot reach minimum passing grade (KKM) caused by some lack in English lesson, specifically in writing ability. In fact, 7 E Class has the lowest score among all 7 grade classes. Based on the interview with English lesson teacher concerning the understudies’ essay situation, several obstacles in writing situation found, like student cannot create their writing concept description of people, thing, places, as well as animals. Student experience obstacles building up thoughts, student cannot arrange their interpretation in writing.

Even though each student has a different learning style, an English teacher needs to give the right strategy or approach so that it can make the writing learning process more relaxed. Teachers need to choose appropriate techniques during giving lesson process. The researcher suggest that English teacher require a right and effective technique to teach Descriptive Text. One of it is Mind Mapping technique. Mind mapping was effective to help the students write the descriptive text.. Mind Mapping is a two-dimensional note-taking technique with which a mind map is made using all the relevant knowledge about a specific subject. . By mapping out key words or word pictures (i.e. words that summarize a certain aspect concisely and that serve as a basis for further association) using imagery, drawings and color we use our full brain power. Mind Mapping is an effectiveness method that links up perfectly with the functioning of our brains and makes optimal use of our brain capacity.”

In order teaching descriptive text adopting mind mapping, it is more beneficial. With mind mapping, it could relieve student boredom in the form of a two-dimensional structure of the subject, related thoughts and ideas, and the relative significance of all data. This cycle is substantially more connected to the mind than regular scribble and planning framework.

Mind mapping function like a cerebrum. Mind map integrate keywords, colors, as well as images, that is simpler by defining sentences and passages. Your formation of mind map is going to indicate how your brain organize as well as sorting materials.

Types of Research

The method of this research is pre-experimental research. Pre-experimental research is a research plans in which a subject or a gathering is seen after a treatment has been applied, to test whether the treatment can possibly cause change.

Research Design

Researcher uses the one-group pretest-posttest design usually involves three steps: (1) administering a pretest measuring the dependent variable; (2) applying the experimental treatment X to the subjects; (3) administering a posttest, again measuring the dependent variable. Differences attributed to application of the experimental treatment are then evaluated by comparing the pretest and posttest score.

Variables of Research

The variables of this research are two variable, they are independent variable and dependent variable. Independent variable has an impact on the dependent variable.. In other definition, independent variable in an attribute or characteristic that influences or affects an outcome or dependent variable. .

In this research independent variables is Mind Mapping Technique in teaching writing descriptive text. The dependent variable in this examination is students in writing accomplishment.


A test would have content validity just in the event that it incorporates an appropriate example of the applicable designs. . The specialist make inquiries of the test dependent on the parts of vocabulary testing that is coordinated by schedule so that is was not out of substance. If test tends to show that it simply estimates the ability to be quantified, the test is said to have developmental validity. If test has developmental validity, it can estimate certain qualities based on assumptions about behavior and language learning.

Data Analysis Technique

The last advance of this research was information investigation. When investigating information, the researcher utilized insightful scoring rubric. The Logical scoring utilized in this examination to investigating the information identified with understudies' trial of composing capacity. There are five segments introduced in the scientific scoring rubric for composing, they comprise of Content, Organization, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Mechanics.

Population and Research Samples

The populations are ten classes of seventh grade of SMPN 1 Jabon, which has 320 students. They are 7-A, 7-B, 7-C, 7-D, 7-E, 7-F, 7-G, 7-H, 7-I, 7-J. In this research, the sample of this data is chosen only 1 class of seventh grade (7-I) class of SMPN 1 Jabon.

Finding and Discussion

At the matter of this exploration, the researcher had done a pre-experiment examination regarding of the effect of technique mind mapping of student’s writing in descriptive text at 7th class SMPN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo. The researcher included a class comprised of 32 student. Information gathered by managing examination. For the primary exam was pre-test. Reason for this pre-test was to know the students’ writing on descriptive text prior to being given the treatment. The consequence of the pre-test show that the students’ writing towards descriptive text was poor. These students experienced issues making a legitimate descriptive text such as organizing content, grammar, and vocabularies.

Subsequent to overseeing pre-test, the researcher offered technique to students utilizing mind mapping technique. In time of the treatment, the students had a good time investigating their thoughts through mind mapping. After the treatment had been done, the researcher gave post-test to realize the students’ capacity making descriptive text after being taught utilizing mind mapping technique. Shockingly, the aftereffect of the post-test showed that the students’ capacity in writing descriptive text has improved.

Students’ writing achievement before being taught using Mind mapping technique.

N Valid 32
Missing 0
Mean 57
Median 53
Mode 53
Table 1.Descriptive statistic of pre-test score

Students writing in descriptive text after being taught utilizing mind mapping technique.

N Valid 32
Missing 0
Mean 86,59
Median 85,00
Mode 85,00
Table 2.Descriptive statistic of post-test score
Pair 1 Mean N Std. deviation Std. Error Mean
Pretest 57,09 32 15,053 2,661
Posttest 86,59 32 7,577 -1,339
Table 3.Paired samples statistic

The table above showed that the mean score of pre-test is 57,09 while N for cell were total of 32. Meanwhile, standard deviation for pre-test is 15,053. Standard error mean for pre-test is 2,661.

Thus, mean grade in post-test is 86,59. While N for cell were 32. Meanwhile, standard deviation for post-test is 7,577. Standard error mean in post-test -1,339.

Pair 1 N Correlation Sig.
Pretest & Posttest 32 ,248 ,171
Table 4.Paired samples correlations

The table of paired samples correlations above show that the large correlation between samples, the numeral of both correlation is (0,248) and numeral significance is (0,171).

Understanding toward t count led by 2 strategies:

In view of the grade t contrasted and tc (t count) with tt (t table), where df = 31, the aftereffect of numeral for standard significant 5% and for standard significant 1%. With t0 = -11,066, it implies that all the more huge from ttable (image short in this matter disregarded at standard significant 5% also at standard significant 1%, it implies the hypothesis null was dismissed)

In view of the large of digit significant. For this situation choice taken from the accompanying thought:

If probability > 0.05 then hypothesis null was acknowledged

If probability < 0.05 then hypothesis null was dismissed

With the numeral of critical worth 0.000 < than significant level 0.05, then at that point the hypothesis null expressed that there is no huge different score by utilizing mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text at 7th grade students in SMPN 1 Jabon was rejected.


Mind Mapping Technique has many positive effects in students’ writing. It makes the students arrange words effectively in order to make paragraph in describing things or person. In other word, Mind Mapping Technique is an alternative way for students to learn English easily, especially in writing descriptive text.

Mind mapping not only makes the students of 7-E being good at arranging words effectively, but also provides joyful class and gives interest for the students. The result is that they can learn the material without burden or getting bored. Because in the previous activity, many of these students had low motivation of studying it.

It can be concluded that there is any significance effect in the achievement of the students’ writing before and after being taught using Mind Mapping Technique. In the process of giving the mentioned technique to students of 7-E, the researcher has prepared well in order to achieve the successfulness of the applied technique itself. The researcher gave the mind mapping technique in the teaching process of descriptive text to 7-E class. From being getting scores under score’s criteria, until being getting scores exceeding the criteria. All of this could happen to the students of 7-E SMPN 1 Jabon by using the mind mapping technique in their learning activity, specifically in studying descriptive text.


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