DOI: 10.21070/acopen.6.2022.2375

Synchronous Analysis Used by English Teachers in Speaking Skills in Junior High School

Analisis Sinkronis Yang Digunakan Guru Bahasa Inggris Dalam Keterampilan Berbicara Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Synchronous Speaking Skill English Teacher


The purpose of this study was to analyze the improvement of students' speaking skills used by English teachers by using Synchronous through google meet for the speaking learning process at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin. This research uses qualitative research and the sample of this research is 36 students in seventh grade. Data collection methods used are observation and interview methods. The observation method used is a non-participatory observation technique, the researcher does not participate in the activity but only plays a role in observing the synchronous learning process used in SMPN 1 Tanggulangin. The results of this study indicate that the aspects assessed in synchronous speaking skills depend on the type of speaking material to be measured because the assessment is through linguistic aspects which include intonation, fluency and non-linguistics including gestures, expressions, voice volume and performance skills and assessments that are in accordance with lesson plan curriculum 2013.


The crisis really came suddenly, the government was on anywhere in the world including in Indonesia. All of must take a bitter decision to close schools to reduce people's contact massively and to save lives or to still have to open schools in order to survive workers in maintaining economic sustainability. Some of the problems faced are : first, students sometimes make errors in grammatical and pronunciation aspects, namely basically students sometimes see aspects of speaking English but do not pay attention to sentence structure and correct pronunciation. Second, students have a fear of making mistakes in speaking English. Student forget what they want to convey to their targets. This shows that students have limited and minimal vocabulary. Third, students find it difficult to speak fluently because they rarely practice English. Fluency refers to the speaking ability to write fluently, readily, for easy flow is the word or being able to communicate on the basis of the suggested flow of an accomplished speaker and writer usually a term of praise.

As we all know, common problems that can be found in learning at schools and campuses are now more advisable to do online, especially for people in red zones who are prone to exposure to the Corona virus. Online learning between teachers and students, or students and lecturers, of course, requires a fairly large fee, namely the cost of purchasing pulses or internet quota. The explanation of the English teacher overcomes the first problem faced by students, namely if students use synchronous devices such as zoom, google meet, cloud etc. Using online synchronous media is the way for teaches students with material is constantly being improved by the Internet which has provided opportunities for online learning.

Learning environments that use synchronous are those where teachers and students meet online on a specific online platform to learn teaching and communicate about a live synchronized lesson. The collaboration of the two shows that synchronous learning has advantages and disadvantages. Synchronous itself has a lot of communication, using computers as media that are real time simultaneously (real time) using mechanisms involve data signals.

[1] states that in other facts, the learning technology used in English classes can be associated with student motivation and increased effectiveness in learning English. [2] also believes that using synchronous technology in English classrooms always benefits students as there are more opportunities for meaningful use of language when communicating between peers and teachers. Synchronous learning is similar to a virtual classroom which always involves a group of students who are engaged in learning at the same time with conditions currently occurring in parts of the world, including Indonesia.

Speaking is a skill that can be performed by anyone who can be said to use an ordinary voice, can use the language itself which expresses itself in words or convey something that can be categorized into the category of news, speeches and English speaking tasks while at school. Mastery of speaking, which until now has become one of the most important aspects of learning foreign languages. It is stated that many students learn a language, especially english with the aim of developing proficiency in communicating in it by speaking.

The concept of speaking skills that will be carried out by students as exemplified is speaking alternately with conversations which can emphasize teaching speaking skills accompanied by the teacher. Therefore, [3] states that “speaking is an important role for one's life and experiences. Talking is also the most natural way to communicate ”(p.2). Thus, without speaking skills students cannot convey their role.

[4] states that the elements of the Synchronous class are:

1. Chat (text only): Chat rooms that use sync are used by multiple users to log in and interact directly. This is a great way to ask some questions received from recipients through other sources to share insights.

2. Voice: speak through the built-in microphone or headset. The goal is to make conference calls with teachers as well as fellow students. may be reviewing a document or presentation pointless when we speak will be heard by all.

3. Video conferencing: video conferencing could, in theory, require all participants to carry out their online learning. then from there it can record everyone who follows on the screen.

In this way, knowing that learning a english language that can make speak fluently and correctly. So, speaking using words can produce sounds to verbally express ideas, feelings, thoughts and all the needs to get the goals that have been conveyed to the target. In learning English speaking skills is very important, therefore the English teacher must be able to be creative and innovative so that all students are able to master it and be able to apply various communications in the classroom to encourage and motivate students to use language actively and productively. For that, teachers must realize that students all over the world are accustomed to using English words and how much time they spend talking in class with their friends currently studying English as a foreign language.


This study used a qualitative descriptive research design by conducting Analysis on Synchronous Use by English Teachers in Teaching Speaking Skills in SMPN 1 Tanggulangin during the pandemic.[5] states that "qualitative descriptive research is a description and phenomena found during the research process". From this study the authors tried to identify the type of online synchronous learning used in seventh grade students at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin, where they conducted research analysis by interviewing students and teachers about learning using online synchronization during the pandemic in speaking skills. What factors influence the implementation of synchronous online learning on students' speaking skill.

[6] said that the observation method used was non-participatory observation technique. does not participate in activities, only plays a role in observing activities. and being in the classroom to conduct direct observation and recording of the learning implementation process to the evaluation/assessment, but not directly involved in the activities carried out by the research subject.

The method of collecting data by interview is done by asking questions to the teacher and several students. The interview method used is an unstructured interview.[7] states that the implementation of unstructured interviews is wider and more open than structured interviews because in conducting interviews it is done naturally to explore the ideas and ideas of informants openly and does not use interview guidelines. The interview method in this study aims to obtain more in-depth data from research subjects related to the obstacles faced by teachers when carrying out speaking skills assessments.

The process of obtaining information used for research purposes and is carried out by asking and answering questions between the interviewer and the respondent or resource person. As for one example of an interview with one of the English teachers there. Data collection techniques through the form of teacher assessments through learning lesson plans.

The observation method used was non-participatory observation technique. does not participate in activities, only plays a role in observing activities. and being in the classroom to conduct direct observation and recording of the learning implementation process to the evaluation/assessment, but not directly involved in the activities carried out by the research subject.

Result and Discussion

Based on the interview with the English teacher, to ask in more detail how to use synchronous learning and to know more about the process and synchronization used by the teacher in the learning process of speaking skill and whether all students can follow it well. Although there are observations there are also interviews. There were two interviews with the teacher and some ten students. That interview regarding the appropriate title in chapter four with the research took at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin in seventh grade. This is how was conducted an interview with the teacher.


Interview with some students in seventh grade of SMPN 1 Tanggulangin there, to ask in more detail how they use synchronous learning to find out more about the process of learning speaking in order to hone pronouns and fluency and performance skills of each student. The answers from some of students they have been able to follow the speaking lesson well and have practiced speaking directly. So there are some students also improve their performance skill and pronunciation in speaking English.


Based on the observation done on March 29, 2021 at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin were learning speaking skills using the synchronous set by the English teacher in seventh grade students. The purpose of making direct observations will be easier for researchers to be able to analyze a study in accordance with the title. There are several synchronous that are used in synchronous speaking learning through video via whatsapp and google meet.

Learning process used synchronous through google meet between teacher and all students include elements of the synchronous class also used chat, voice and video conferring .The teacher provides a link via whatsapp for learning preparation through google meet. After that check all students and wait for students who have not yet entered the learning room. By waiting for other students to join the teacher starts to attend all students. Then all students pray together. When learning begins the teacher provides a slideshow that is displayed on the screen and begins to explain the material about what is it for. Every explanation of the material the teacher does not forget to give the opportunity for students to speak up and translate the meaning to be better understood by all students in instruction repeat and say them, also the feedback. In learning takes place also used a good bilingual language. Each instruction used in teacher learning provides an opportunity for all students to speak up so that they know how many students' speaking skill take turns like choose two students to practice the dialogue randomly and it turns for practice the dialogue and talk with your partner. So, read aloud on your own. At the end of the lesson the teacher gives assignments individually by making descriptive predetermined and for the next meeting students can practice speaking skills. The teacher close the lesson by providing motivation and prayer together.

The learning process as above, there are several steps to learning speaking skills that use synchronous instructions through google meet. So the step of this instruction is to know the overall individual assessment so that all students will be able to learn together with an assessment of pronunciation ability, fluency and performance used at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin. At this stage there were some speaking students appointed by the teacher, some had a dialogue between the teacher and students and with partners, and volunteered to practice speaking without being appointed.

The approach used by English teachers at SMP 1 Tanggulangin is audio lingual methodwhich emphasizes activities and is more student-oriented, namely interactive activities when in learning process. This is further supported by [8] who stated that communicative activities such as problem solving such as the introduction of a description of an animal and conversational several communicative activities improve the speaking skills of all students. This can be seen from a study on the use of games in learning English through conversation conducted by [9] helping students to practice speaking in a way that is less restricted than conventional language classes.

The assessment conducted by the English teacher at SMPN 1 Tanggulangin is in accordance with the learning assessment in the 2013 Curriculum which leads to an authentic assessment. [10]states that authentic assessment is an actual assessment of the learning development of students so that the assessment is not done in one way, but can use various ways.

Aspects assessed in speaking skills depend on the type of speaking material that want to measure using synchronous online. Data on the aspects that are assessed in speaking skills are obtained through observation and interview methods. Based on the results of observations and interviews that have been carried out in learning speaking skills in seventh grade, there are aspects that are assessed by the teacher, in accordance with the assessment design contained in the teacher's lesson plan, these are linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. The linguistic aspects include pronunciation, intonation, language structure, and language style. Non-linguistic aspects include the relationship between topic content, content structure, content quantity, content quality, gestures, expressions, relationships with listeners, voice volume, and the course of speech, as well as performance skills.


The test results are focused mainly on the individual scores of students, which shows the speaking ability of each student seen using the synchronous method. As a result of observations with synchronous use there, video and google meet are good solutions, by being able to find out individual or group abilities how students can express pronunciation, fluency in speaking English, students' knowledge of word meanings and finally skills in demonstrating their speaking skills. simultaneously for learning to speak in seventh grade. It was also found that most of the students were good in following the lesson even though they used it synchronously through google meet and each individual had a score according to their respective abilities in terms of fluency, pronunciation and appearance in speaking English.


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