DOI: 10.21070/acopen.4.2021.2864

Students' Perceptions in Learning English Online for Developing Listening Skills in Grade 7 Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Persepsi Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Online Untuk Pengembangan Keterampilan Mendengar Di Kelas 7 Madrasah Tsanawiyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Perception English online Learning Listening Skill


This research aims to find out Students’ Perceptions Of English Online Learning For Listening Skill Development In 7th Grade Of MTSN 1 Sidoarjo. In this study, the researcher used a descriptive-quantitative research design. This research involved 32 students of VII-A class in MTSN 1 Sidoarjo. The data collection was taken from a questionnaire adapted from Al-Khatiri and Arnold Lund. The highest average comes from statement number 3 with an average of 3.8. The result of this study indicates that students’ perception Of English Online Learning For Listening Skill Development In 7th Grade has a positive perception. This method helps the students to be more productive in terms of understanding English learning material while this method saves their efforts and time to submit the assignment online.


The study of English as a foreign language is the study of the English language as spoken by non-native speakers in countries where English is not the primary language of communication. English has become a second or foreign language in Indonesia, and it is difficult to learn where it is not the first language. Listening skills, reading skills, speaking skills, and writing skills are the four abilities that should be mastered. The authors of this study emphasized listening skills since hearing, as an understanding skill, is more essential in developing pupils' linguistic competence and ability. Listening is not only just keep attention about what people said but also the meaning, comprehension of the content by spoken that they hear. [1].

In education, in general, online learning is one of many people's media. Online learning is the modern technique of teaching and learning. The online application that connects online learning students and teachers is known as online learning. Additionally, audio, video, and music are examples of media that teachers utilize in online learning. So, during this pandemic, students are studying online, and the writer needs to know what students think about their online learning listening skills [2]. Students' perceptions of their ability to explain and identify their own points of view as a result of classroom study. Perception is important because it affects the information, the memory works. It can be conclude that perception is relative, based on a single object 's view and that the subjective interpretation also affected by influences outside the nature, which comes from someone's own perceptions. [3].

In view of that background, the researcher wants to know the feedback or students’ perception from grade 7th students of MTSN 1 Sidoarjo in English online learning for listening skill development. There are many impact from English online learning that can be affect the students’ ability especially in listening skill. Those impact will be discussed throughly in the research. Through the research, the writer hopes toward English online learning. The writer found three researches about Student’s Perception in using online learning as a topic with different objects. The differences of this research between another is that the subject . In this study, the writer just focuses on students’ perception. The writer choose the topic that researched is 7th grade students of MTSN 1 Sidoarjo because the writer have not found research that examines listening skills with junior high school subjects. [4].

Therefore, the writer is interested in showing the problem in this study with the title. “STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION IN ENGLISH ONLINE LEARNING FOR LISTENING SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN 7TH GRADE OF MTSN 1 SIDOARJO”[4].


In this research the writer uses descriptive-quantitative research design to analyze students’ perception in English online learning for listening skill development in 7th grade of MTSN 1 Sidoarjo. In this study the researcher choose 1 class which is VII-A consist of 32 students as respondents in the study. The writer used questionnaire multiple choice closed type as the instrument in this research which is given by Google form. The writer decided to used multiple choice because to make it easier for respondents to answer the questions and also to facilitate processing or tabulation. [5].

The writer made 15 statements of questionnaire, then sends the link in WhatsApp group, which is composed of the VII-A students, a questionnaire in Google Form on the experience of students in English that they have learned. Data analysis is carried out in many phases. The students received the questionnaire first. Secondly, it is calculated the result of the questionnaire. Third , the writer are checking for the questionnaire's average score. Fourth, each category was divided into three categories by the writer. Fifth, the writer determines the highest and lowest findings in each groups. [6].

Findings and Discussion

In this section, the researcher will respond to a study question about students' perceptions about online learning for the development of listening skills. The researcher adapted the questionnaire from Al-khatiri and Lund. There were 15 questions in this questionnaire on online learning activities. It consists of the effectiveness of the methods, their efficiency of use, and ease with which they may be learned while using the internet. The responders were students from VII-A, a group of 32 students. They were selected because they had been studying through online. [7].

Graph 1. Table of average score

According to the statistics in the graph above, the highest score comes from statements 3 with an average of 3.8. The statement number 4 has the lowest score, with an average of 2.5. The detailed findings are given in each of the three sections of this questionnaire: the usefulness of using online learning, the simplicity of usage, and the ease of learning in this way.

1. The usefulness of online learning

The first categories explained about the usefulness of online learning. This statement was divided into 8 questions, number 1 through 8. According to the graph bellow, number 3 has the maximum score of 3.8 in one of the categories in this questionnaire. The number 3 explains how this technique allows students to save time and effort when completing an assignment.

Graph 2. The usefulness of online learning

While the lowest score comes from number 4, with a score of 2.5, and the statement is about students who believe that learning to listen online gives them more possibilities to communicate with their teachers and friends.

2. The simplicity of usage

Graph 3. The simplicity of usage

The second categories explained about the simplicity of usage. The second category discussed about how easy it is to use. This sentence was divided into three questions ranging from 9 to 11 to 14. According to the graph above, number 14 with a score of 3.5 has the highest score in this category. The statement in number 14 refers to how easy it is to access materials and assignments while applying this method. The statement about the students understanding how to run this online learning when they are acquiring English listening skill comes in at number 11 with a score of 3.2 which is the lowest score in this category.

3. The ease of learning in this way

The last categories discussed how easy it is to study in an online environment. This statement is divided into 4 questions, numbered 10, 12, 13, and 15. The highest score in this category comes from number 15, with a 3.3, and the statement is about students having difficulty getting internet connection to pursue English online learning.

Table 4. The ease of learning in this way

Meanwhile, the lowest result comes from number 13 with a score of 2.7, and the statement is that the students had no problems using this approach to improve their English listening skills.

After obtaining the data, the researchers examine the findings. The discussion is also explained in the conclusion, which is based on the findings. Based on the data collected, the writer concludes that during the study online the students are more active, especially in listening skills. It helps them to be more productive in terms of understanding the materials, gives them opportunities to interact with teachers and friends. Using this method is actually saving the effort and time to submitting the assignment, so that is why students can develop and also practice their ability fastly than learning in class only [8].

Furthermore, the students feel enjoy and do need a long time to be mastered this method, but unfortunately, the internet connection is one of their problems to access online learning. They assume which has trouble to get the internet access, it can be because of the location, or the financial to buy the Internet data. So, during this learning online it was given the positive perceptions from students for developing listening skills [9].


The results of this study arises the perception that the result of this research indicates that English online learning for listening skill improvement is beneficial, based on the discussion in the previous chapter. It has been well received by students. The highest score on the questionnaire indicates that English Online learning assists students in being more productive in terms of understanding English learning material while also saving them time and effort when submitting assignments online. Students also have no problems practicing English listening skills using this method, and they have easy access to the material. That is to clarify, there are several advantages and have a good impact on students studying English online. [10] .

Online learning consists of lessons accessed in full through the online or a mix of the online courses and the daily classroom sessions. online learning made things much easy for teachers and students, safe from classroom physical constraints and time constraints on schedules. Students may learn individually online, interact with mentor, send assignments on a schedule, whenever and wherever the teacher chooses, interact in real-time with the teachers, and students for chat room discussions.


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