This paper investigates systematization and assessment of existing methodological developments in the field of assessing the tourist capacity of territories. Investigated aimed to identify the possibilities of implementing theory of the cluster initiatives on the creating free tourist zones. On this was, evidences from Uzbekistan tourism potential and ways of reaching better attractiveness points of the free tourist zones were mentioned. Finally, research has proposed and suggested to conduct further research points as the whole
In recent decades, countries and individual regions have been using the tourism potential of territories in order to increase their tourist and destination attractiveness. An effective way to solve the problem of conceptualizing the tourist potential of the territory in tourism while organizing free tourist zones in the developing areas. Tourism potential is a combination of various tangible and intangible potentials that form a tourist interest in a given territory, which are the basis of tourism activities for the production of a tourist product and its consumption, as well as for the implementation of management, control and development production and consumption of tourist product complex of the territory in accordance with the principles of sustainable economic development [1]. In connection with the broad development of tourism, the development of a methodology for assessing the tourist potential of territories, that is, an assessment of resources potentially suitable for use in tourism, as well as factors facilitating or inhibiting tourist development in the region, is becoming a priority.
This marked the problem of research, which consists in the need to create a universal model for assessing the tourist potential of the territory, which is based on a database that contains various tourist information such as region (natural, cultural, historical, etc.), tourist infrastructure (accommodation, food, transportation, leisure, etc.). The tourist potential of the territory is determined by internal and external factors. Factors of an internal nature will include tourism infrastructure (collective accommodation facilities for tourists, catering establishments, tourist organizations involved in the formation, promotion and sale of tourism products, objects of sports and recreational infrastructure); tourist resources (natural, historical and cultural); management system of the tourist territory (administrative and managerial institutions coordinating the development of tourism, marketing of the tourist territory, development of the level of cooperation of tourism industry enterprises). Separately, external factors should be considered, which can be divided into groups of regulatory factors, economic, geopolitical, tourist demand and the ecological situation of the tourist territory. In the framework of the study, we will be primarily interested in internal factors, since they are the basis that forms the tourist potential of the territory.
Today tourism is one of the leading sectors of the world economy, which is developing at a rapid pace on a global scale. The high socio-economic significance of tourism is caused by the fact that tourism accounts for 10.2% of global GDP, 6.6% of international services exports, 4.4% of total investments, and 9.6% of total employment in the economy.
Implementation of consistent measures to develop tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan with a great potential for addressing the most important socio-economic tasks such as job creation, economic diversification, accelerated development of the regions, increasing foreign exchange earnings, increasing incomes and living standards. is increasing. At the current stage of economic reforms in our country, "... to give tourism the status of strategic sector of the economy, to make this sector a powerful tool for diversification, restructuring and sustainable development of the economy, which should become a leading force in the comprehensive development of all regions and related sectors ..." one of the objectives of state tourism policy.
Special attention is paid to the research aimed at improving the competitiveness of the region through the effective use of the existing tourist potential of certain regions in the world, and the strategic development of tourism in line with this potential. Theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of this issue are relevant today due to the improvement of methods for assessing the resource potential of the region in the conditions of innovative economy and the use of mechanisms to create free tourist zones to effectively use their potential. The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoev, dated December 5, 2017, "On the establishment of free tourist zone" Charvak "as the main goal of" further development of tourism potential of Tashkent region and increasing its effectiveness ".
Creation of free tourist zones in areas with high tourist potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan is underdeveloped tourism infrastructure, unsatisfactory state of material and technical support for a number of tourist and recreational facilities, lack of quality road infrastructure, recreational facilities, improvement of investment mechanisms for innovative and promising projects, tourism. low quality of services provided by industrial enterprises, lack of qualified personnel in the industry This is a result of the imperfection of mechanisms for effective promotion of national tourism products on the world market. In particular, the search for a solution to this problem through the effective use of planning tools that allow for a fuller coverage of the region's potential using strategic marketing tools, is relevant to the research topic.
The database contains operational information on the tourist resources of the territory according to the set indicators in real time with access to the Internet.
The aim of the study is to develop a universal model for assessing the tourist potential of a territory based on a database of tourist resources of the region in the educational process of a university.
We assume that the developed universal model for assessing the tourist potential of territories on the basis of a database of tourist resources will allow students of the tourism profile to assess the tourist potential of the territories in terms of the possibility of developing their resource base, promising directions and types of tourism as to attract foreign investors, as well as the development of tourism programs in order to attract new tourists. The proposed model will also allow us to identify the positive and negative sides and adjust the tourist attractiveness of the evaluated territory, to determine additional reserves for the development of various types of tourism.
In accordance with the problem posed by the goal and the hypothesis put forward, the following research tasks are formulated:
- to study the state of the problem under study in the theory and practice of tourism, to identify promising approaches to its solution, to clarify the conceptual apparatus of research;
- develop a database structure that will reflect the natural conditions, historical and cultural potential and tourism infrastructure of the region;
- determine the methodology for calculating tourist-potential for each resource group;
- develop universal criteria and indicators for assessing the tourist potential of territories for each group of resources;
- to develop software and informational and methodological support for the process of assessing the tourist potential of the territory in the conditions of the educational process.
There are very few works devoted to this subject. Researchers describe the conditions and factors on the basis of which the tourism potential of the territory is estimated (G.N. Zakharenko, D.V. Nikolaenko), present various methods for assessing individual resources of the tourism potential (N.I. Panov,
A.V. Darinsky, P.S. Shirinkin, Yu.A. Khudenykh, S.A. Shabalina, V.A. Rubtsov, etc.) [1–6]. However, professional interpretations of the term “potential” in tourism do not exist, and there is also no single methodology for assessing the tourist potential of a territory that would make it possible to present the totality of natural, historical, cultural, and socio-economic prerequisites for organizing tourism activities on the basis of a certain territory.
The purpose of the study: to systematize methodological developments in the field of assessing the tourist potential of territories, to show their diversity and to assess the possibility of introducing existing developments into a cluster approach to tourism development.
The research materials were publications of Russian scientists dealing with issues of assessing the tourist and recreational potential of territories and applying a cluster approach to tourism development. Research methods: logical, comparative, structural analysis, synthesis, classification, expert.
Existing methods for assessing tourism resources are usually divided into quantitative and qualitative. Some researchers distinguish mixed, combining quantitative and qualitative analysis [2]. Quantitative should include cartographic, mathematical methods, a group of methods of economic evaluation. Qualitative ones include biomedical assessment methods, a group of aesthetic assessment methods, technological assessment, field studies, modeling methods. Their relationship with the types of assessment of the tourist potential of the territory and the possibilities of practical application of methods and techniques are presented in Table 1
Types of assessment of the tourist potential of the territory | Area of scientific knowledge | Used methods and techniques | Practical application of methods and techniques |
Functional-technological | Geography | Cartographic; | Tourist and recreational zoning; |
Biomedical | Geography | Field research; | Definition of tourist specialization of the territory |
Psychoesthetic | Behavioral (cognitive) geography; Figurative (imaginary) geography; Marketing; Urban planning | Figurative geographical mapping; Territorial modeling; Mythologies; Modeling (segmentation, positioning) | Formation of the image of the territory; Promotion of territories in tourist markets |
Economic point | Economics | Analysis of the effectiveness of the use of tourism resources (at the micro macro level | Determination of tourist costs, labor costs, direct benefits from the use of tourist and recreational territory |
Also, depending on the methodology of the approach, groups of assessments are distinguished: component and complex. Component assessment is carried out, as a rule, for one type of tourist resource or group of elements of tourist infrastructure.
Based on this, the assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the territory can be carried out from two positions:
- comprehensive research;
- studies characterizing indicators of factors of an internal nature, determined by a specific area of scientific knowledge.
The second position in assessing the tourist and recreational potential of the territories has deeper roots and has been carried out in the Soviet Union since the middle of the 20th century. In the professional literature, the following types of assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of the territory are mainly distinguished: functional-technological, medical-biological, psychological-aesthetic, economic [3]. Each of them has its own characteristics: research methods, areas of scientific knowledge, the relevance of the results and the possibility of application in modern conditions, in particular, in the framework of the implementation of cluster initiatives in the field of tourism. We consider each of these types of estimates separately.
Functional and technological type of assessment. From 1960 to 1990, fundamental research in the field of tourism and recreation was carried out mainly by geographers who formed the science of recreational geography, which dominated the development of tourist territories. Active research activities in the framework of this scientific field ceased during the collapse of the USSR and the change in the economic course of the country. Nevertheless, the existing fundamental studies (V.S. Preobrazhensky, I.V. Zorin, Yu.A. Vedenin, N.I. Miroshnichenko, I.T. Tvedokhlebov, L.I. Mukhina) still have an impact on the scientific - the research idea of scientists involved in the development of tourism in Russia. Recreational geography characterizes the tourist and recreational potential of the territories in terms of functional and technological assessment and reflects the interaction of man and the natural environment.
In the methodology of recreational geography, traditional geographic methods (cartographic, field studies) and modeling methods have been used. The analysis, first and foremost, of socio-economic conditions and natural resources made it possible to regionalize territorial-recreational systems [4].
The main applied aspect of the functional-technological approach to the study of the tourist and recreational potential of the territories is the ability to assess the suitability of the resource base of a particular region for organizing various types of tourist activities. This, in turn, determines the specifics of the formation and development of the supporting infrastructure. Thus, we can conclude that the methodology for assessing the tourist and recreational potential of the territories, used in recreational geography, allows you to allocate territorial units based on the community of the resource base and their tourist and recreational specialization, expressed in the specific tourist and recreational activities of vacationers.
Biomedical type of assessment. When applied, an assessment of the climatic and weather factors and conditions for tourist and recreational activities is carried out. In 1980, N.A. Danilova proposed a methodology for bioclimatic assessment of territories, the essence of which is to develop an assessment scale for determining the type of weather in terms of comfort.
When developing the scale, not only climate factors were taken into account, but also studies of physiologists on the influence of climate on the physical state of the human body (I.S. Kondror). Bioclimatic criteria are used for a variety of purposes, including assessing the seasonality and duration of active recreation and tourism.
Danilova proposed a methodology for assessing the weather for summer activities for recreation and tourism of healthy people who do not have medical contraindications for outdoor activities. Recreational types of weather on a climatic and physiological basis were identified by air temperature, total cloud cover and wind speed.
All weathers were divided into 5 types: comfortable, hot subcomfort, hot discomfort, cool subcomfort and cold discomfort. The developed graphical rating scale allows us to simply evaluate the weather of each specific period of meteorological observations by the degree of favorableness for summer recreational activities [5]. The biomedical approach to assessing the tourist and recreational potential of the territories, in our opinion, supplements and extends the functional and technological type of assessment and allows us to more deeply explore the resource potential of the territories, and, most importantly, to determine the periods for tourist activities of vacationers who are in tourist practice commonly called “high season”, “low season”, “off season”. Almost every type of tourism focused on natural resources has such periods throughout the calendar year.
Psychological and aesthetic type of assessment. It should be understood not only as the disclosure of the aesthetic expressiveness and attractiveness of landscapes for tourists, but also as a way to create an attractive tourist image of the territory of the tourist services consumer. The areas of scientific knowledge within the framework of which studies of the indicated topics are carried out are quite diverse and include landscape art, local history, marketing of tourist areas, behavioral (cognitive) geography (J. Gold "Basics of behavioral geography: psychology and geography"), figurative (imaginary) geography.
The central concept of imaginative geography is considered a geographical image. One of its basic methods is figurative-geographical mapping.
Figurative geography, in turn, is "... part of humanitarian geography - an interdisciplinary scientific field that studies various ways of representing and interpreting terrestrial spaces in human activity, including mental (mental) activity" [6].
Basic concepts, according to D.N. Zamyatiny, are "... the cultural landscape, geographical image, regional (spatial) identity, spatial or local myth (regional mythology)" [6]. In this case, the objects of research, as a rule, are tourist images of individual regions. As an example, the dissertation of the graduate student of Moscow State University E.V. Nikanorova (supervisor of studies, Dr. A.Yu. Alexandrova) “Formation of a tourist image of a territory (using the example of the Rostov region)”, defended in 2009.
Special attention deserves the work of K. Lynch - a classic of the theory of visual perception of the city. In his work “The Image of the City” (1982), a number of topical and in our time problems of architectural and urban planning science are considered. Of particular interest is the classification of the elements of the city’s appearance, which determine the visual perception of urban structures. The principles of designing the image of the city proposed by K. Lynch may be of interest in the development of projects of tourist clusters [7].
Allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of tourism resources. There are several approaches to the economic assessment of the tourist and recreational potential of territories: costly (determines the costs of production factors for the reproduction, restoration or replacement of tourist and recreational resources), profitable (determines the value of the object of assessment based on the expected income, the time of their receipt and risks), comparative (compares the estimated object with analogues), rental (based on the calculations of additional income received in excess of a certain profit spent on expended production factors) [3].
Some researchers, for example E.O. Ushakova, I.I. Zolotarev, S.A. Vdovin, they believe that economic methods in assessing natural tourism resources are ineffective and may not always be applicable, since "... they evaluate resources from the point of view of their industrial and agricultural use - according to the final product" [2].
They believe that "... an economic assessment of the use of tourist resources should include an analysis of indicators of the effectiveness of the use of tourist resources in the region" [2]. Accordingly, an economic assessment of the effectiveness of tourism development at the micro level should include quantitative and qualitative indicators. The first include the volume of sales of tourist services. Qualitative indicators include the size of the tourist flow and tourist expenditures, the state of the material and technical base, indicators of financial and economic activity and the development of international tourism.
Accordingly, the economic assessment includes methods for analyzing the effectiveness of the use of tourism resources at the micro and macro levels and the valuation of tourism resources [2].
Integrated methods and techniques. Modern ideas about domestic tourism in Russia require the active introduction of a cluster approach to the development of territories, which requires the use of integrated methods to combine quantitative and qualitative research methods, and apply the methods of previously considered types of assessment of the tourist potential of territories.
In the scientific literature, under complex methods are understood, first of all, the formation and development of a tourist and recreational cadaster, implying an economic tourist and recreational assessment of the resource base [3] and the method of geographic information systems of tourist development of territories, which involves the active use of geographic information technologies - a combination of software and technological tools obtaining new types of information about the world. The technology combines such operations when working with databases as query and statistical analysis, with the advantages of full-fledged visualization and geographical spatial analysis Table 2.
Authors of the methodology | Method Name | The essence of the technique |
E.I. Bogdanov | Economic integrated method for assessing the total tourism potential | The size of the tourist potential of the territory is determined by: the total amount of resources, the size of the tourist potential, an indicator of the implementation of the tourist potential |
K.V. Kruzhalin | Recreational potential assessment methodology for the development of international tourism | It determines the level of recreational potential and economic and geographical conditions that determine the development of international tourism |
V.A. Rubtsov, S.A. Shabalin | Assessment of integrated recreational potential | Considers the recreational potential as a set of interdependent natural, biomedical, psychological, aesthetic, technological components |
A.V. Drozdov | Methodology for the integral assessment of the tourist potential of the territory | It evaluates only specially protected natural areas. Includes identification of the main components of capacity. Evaluation is carried out according to certain groups of parameters |
Y.A. Khudenkix | Integral assessment of tourist and recreational potential of the territory | The integral assessment of indicators characterizing historical-cultural, |
P.S. Shirinkin | Methodology for assessing the potential of cultural tourism | It calculates the tourist potential of the territory with the main tourist center and several secondary |
M.V. Gudkovsky | Comprehensive assessment of tourist and recreational potential by the balance method | Provides an assessment of natural, historical, cultural, socio-economic factors, environmental situation and adverse factors observed in the study area |
A.S. Pieces | Assessment of the tourist quality of the territory | It is an integral combination of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of territories. The result is conclusions about the tourist attractiveness and the provision of the territory with tourist resources and tourist infrastructure |
Another researcher, A.A. Safaryan [9], identifies several more author's methods for assessing the tourist potential of the territories. The first is E.A. Dzhandzhugazova. Its methodology makes it possible to assess the following parameters: quantitative assessment of resources, structure of tourism potential, opportunities for using resources, as well as to systematically record the state of tourism resources and determine their significance for tourism development in the region. The second belongs to M.D. Sharygin, T.V. Subbotina and S.B. Fominykh. The methodology developed by them for assessing tourism potential consists of a combination of hydroclimatic potential, geological and geomorphological features of the territory, the flora and fauna, the ecological situation, and the attractiveness of the territory.
An analysis of existing methodological developments in the field of assessing the tourist potential of territories showed that there are a fairly large number of methods and techniques that evaluate the potential of tourist territories based on fundamental scientific research in the field of geography, history, economics, and medicine. However, not one of them is fully oriented towards a cluster approach to the development of tourist territories. In this regard, it should be noted that the introduction of cluster initiatives for the development of tourism requires a special methodological approach to assessing the tourist potential of the territory.
Therefore, the basis for assessing the tourist potential of the territory in our project is a database of tourist resources and tourist infrastructure of the territory. The database contains information updated on a given periodicity about various objects for a specific subject area. In our case, these are tourism objects of a region. Based on info logical modeling, based on the results obtained, the development and generation of forms, queries and reports for the database is carried out. It is necessary to develop a computer program to process the results of the assessment of the tourist potential of the territory.
In our project, this problem is solved by forming a database of natural complexes of the region, historical and cultural heritage sites, accommodation facilities, catering facilities, transport networks, cultural and leisure facilities that characterize the territory as a tourist destination.
Findings. Thus, the development of a universal model for assessing the tourist potential of territories on the basis of a database of tourist resources solves the problems of ensuring the tourist image, developing marketing strategies for promoting regional tourist resources in the domestic and international markets, and developing material technical base of tourism industry facilities. At the same time, this model provides an assessment of the level of attractiveness of objects of excursion tourism, ecological, health-improving; sports and adventure, hunting and fishing; Pilgrimage and business tourism located in the region; and the main objects of the tourist infrastructure of the region, accommodation, catering, entertainment, transport infrastructure (international and domestic airports, bus stations, etc.). Therefore, it is aimed at solving the problem of creating a positive image of the territory of the regions as a tourist destination.
We hereby say thank you to Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service for supporting our research.