- Environmental Learning,
- Character Development,
- Fourth Grade Students,
- SDN Pangkemiri 1,
- Quantitative Study.
Copyright (c) 2022 Sayidatus Saniyah, Dr. Akhtim Wahyuni M. Ag
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This research aimed to investigate the effect of implementing the Environmental Learning model on the development of environmental care character among fourth-grade students at SDN Pangkemiri 1. A pre-experimental design using a one-group pretest-posttest method was employed to assess the changes in environmental care character before and after the intervention. The data collection involved administering a questionnaire to the students before and after the implementation of the Environmental Learning model. The results revealed a significant improvement in the average scores of environmental care character from pretest (2.342) to posttest (3.271). The calculated eta square value (0.776) indicated a substantial effect, demonstrating the efficacy of the Environmental Learning model in fostering environmental care character among the fourth-grade students. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating such models into educational practices to promote environmental consciousness and responsible behavior among young learners.
- The Environmental Learning model positively influences the development of environmental care character among fourth-grade students.
- The pre-experimental design with a one-group pretest-posttest method allows for the evaluation of changes in environmental care character.
- The findings emphasize the significance of incorporating the Environmental Learning model to foster environmental consciousness and responsible behavior in young learners.
Keywords: Environmental Learning, Character Development, Fourth Grade Students, SDN Pangkemiri 1, Quantitative Study.
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