Computer Science
DOI: 10.21070/acopen.7.2022.4719

Specific Forms of Organizing Technology Classes

Bentuk Spesifik Penyelenggaraan Kelas Teknologi

Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Theory and Methodology of Education, 1st year master's degree

(*) Corresponding Author

labor education attitude to work schooling extracurricular activities psychological preparation


This article explores the significance of labor education in cultivating a constructive attitude towards work, acting as the cornerstone of schooling and extracurricular activities, thereby strengthening the vital connection between school and life. The study aims to investigate the primary educational objectives, methods, results, and implications associated with psychologically and practically preparing students for the workforce. The research findings underscore the importance of labor education in fostering a positive work ethic, enhancing students' preparedness for future employment, and facilitating their successful integration into the labor market. The implications of this study have far-reaching implications for educational institutions worldwide, offering valuable insights into optimizing curricula and extracurricular activities to effectively equip students with the necessary skills and attitudes for successful careers.


  • Labor education as a core component: This article emphasizes labor education as a fundamental aspect of schooling and extracurricular activities, highlighting its central role in shaping students' attitudes towards work.
  • Psychological preparation for work: The study underscores the significance of psychologically preparing students for the workforce, recognizing it as a crucial educational task of schools.
  • Implications for successful integration: The research findings have far-reaching implications, emphasizing the importance of labor education in facilitating students' successful integration into the labor market, equipping them with the necessary skills and attitudes for future careers.

Keywords: labor education, attitude to work, schooling, extracurricular activities, psychological preparation


There are many challenges to teaching English today, and we need to create them using modern pedagogical technologies. Preparing students for life in a changing world is a key goal of innovative educational technologies. With the help of teaching innovations, the learning process focuses on the potential abilities of the learner and their implementation. There are qualitative changes in the personality of the student. Encouraging action, developing the ability to independently direct the information obtained, the formation of creative unconventional thinking, maximizing the natural abilities of children, the use of the latest achievements of science and practice, we can say that the main goals of innovation.

The successful formation of communicative competence is directly related to the formation of students' educational competence, that is, it is used on the basis of their ability to manage learning activities.

A necessary condition for the formation of professional competence of students is the development of communicative competence, which is reflected in the state educational standards. Communicative competence provides the formation of linguistic, socio-cultural, pragmatic, general education and compensatory competencies.

Modern educational technologies help to solve the task. At the current stage of education, the following technologies are used in the practice of teaching foreign languages:

• training in partnership groups (cooperative education);

• discussions;

• brain attacks (brain attack);

• problem-oriented role-playing games;

• method of situation analysis (case-stage);

• project method.

The ability to debate, defend one’s point of view, support with evidence, summarize one’s point of view, listen and listen to one’s opponent are important skills needed to form communicative and socio-cultural competencies.

In English language practice classes, the final lessons are often discussions on specific topic problems. For example, as part of the study of the topic "Choosing a profession" will be held conversations on the following topics:

• The teaching profession is a respected profession;

• Computers will replace everything in the future;

• Current foreign language teaching, etc.

Students choose one topic to discuss in advance and prepare their arguments. As a rule, students are divided into two groups (small collaboration groups - about 5 people in each group), which defend the opposing views on the selected problem. First, students have an initial discussion in small groups, and only then a general discussion.

For this type of work (discussion) to be successful, it is necessary to do preparatory work: to teach students the ability to conduct an interview, to select convincing evidence. In the first stage, the method of mental attack is used. All students' suggestions on this issue (without discussion) are written on the board and then discussed by the whole group. If the student's argument seems convincing enough, the argument is accepted for further discussion, if not, it is deleted.

The important point is to summarize the discussion. In order to support and encourage student activity during the discussion, each of them will be evaluated on a rating system. The number of points that a student can receive for this type of task is determined by the technological map of teaching materials for the practical course of a foreign language.

When using project-based learning technology (project method), the foreign language in the new educational paradigm becomes a process of independent mastery of learning cognitive activity. The complex integrative nature of project work allows the student to create a unique picture of the world using previously acquired knowledge and skills and mastering new ones. The project method involves the use of a wide range of problem-solving, research, and research methods that are clearly focused on the actual practical outcome that is important to each student involved in project development.

The following project topics are offered to students in the courses of the Institute of Foreign Languages:

• “National dishes (Uzbek, Russian, English)”, “House of the Future”.

• “City (Samarkand, Tashkent, London)”, “School of the Future”.

• "Medical problems in our country and in the country of the studied language".

• “The problem of choosing a profession”, “Travel”.

When using the project method in teaching foreign languages, all attention is focused on the topic (problem) under consideration. In the process of working on the project, students turn to different sources of knowledge on the issue under consideration, working with information available in various media, including Internet information resources. Students need to learn and discuss different perspectives, learn new information, and form their own perspectives.

At the final stage, project participants will present the results of their joint activities. For example, the project "City (Tashkent, Samarkand, London)" provides a report with illustrations, drawings, sketches. Each group will defend their project, followed by a general discussion of the submitted projects.

As part of the National Cuisine project, students are divided into groups, each of which performs a specific task: table setting, table etiquette, national kitchen recipes, and more. The results are presented in the form of a menu of the national cuisine restaurant, a menu for the national holiday, a booklet about national dishes and more.

The final "product" of the "City" project is a video about Tashkent. The defense of each project will be held in front of the group with a video clip presentation. The group actively participates in the discussion of the project, students ask questions, evaluate the work in groups, present their arguments.

The Travel project involves students working in collaboration groups on Train Travel, Plane Travel, and Bus Travel. The result is videos that describe a particular type of travel, its advantages and disadvantages.


The above active teaching methods help to facilitate the process of adaptation of students to the socio-cultural conditions of the country where the language is studied, to eliminate barriers to understanding the behavior of representatives of the new culture. In the process of interactive learning, you can test how well the student knows the language, how to use the material studied, how well he can respond to different suggested situations.


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