Vol 2 (2020): June

Interactive E-Learning Courses as a New Teaching Method
Kursus E-Learning Interaktif sebagai Metode Pengajaran Baru

Usmonov Murod Sodiqovich
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute , Uzbekistan *
Abdullayev Xolxuja Burxonovich
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute , Uzbekistan
Suvonqulov Baxtiyor Mamarasulovich
Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute , Uzbekistan

(*) Corresponding Author
Picture in here are illustration from public domain image or provided by the author, as part of their works
Published June 10, 2020
  • interactive e-learning courses, information technologies, multimedia applications, didactic, methodological, theoretical, graphic format, animation, study materials, practical tasks, modernizing.,
  • interactive e-learning courses,
  • iinformation technologies,
  • multimedia applications,
  • didactic,
  • methodological,
  • theoretical,
  • graphic format,
  • animation,
  • study materials,
  • practical tasks,
  • modernizing
  • ...More
How to Cite
Sodiqovich, U. M., Burxonovich, A. X., & Mamarasulovich, S. B. (2020). Interactive E-Learning Courses as a New Teaching Method. Academia Open, 2, 10.21070/acopen.2.2020.485. https://doi.org/10.21070/acopen.2.2020.485


This article discusses the use of interactive training courses, their features, differences from ordinary training courses. The article also develops a model of a multimedia interactive e-learning course and discusses its advantages.


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