DOI: 10.21070/acopen.7.2022.5720

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Strategi Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

Fergana State University
Fergana State University

(*) Corresponding Author

creativity language learning strategies multimedia integration foreign language teaching linguistic abilities


This scientific article examines the effectiveness of creativity and language learning strategies in foreign language teaching and the advancement of speaking, writing, reading, and listening comprehension skills. By employing multimedia resources such as videos, audios, and songs, the study aims to investigate the impact of these tools on language acquisition. Through a comprehensive analysis of various methodologies, the research reveals that integrating multimedia into language learning fosters a more engaging and immersive environment, leading to significant improvements in learners' linguistic abilities. The findings suggest that incorporating creativity and language learning strategies through multimedia can facilitate more efficient language acquisition and provide valuable implications for foreign language education practices.


  • Multimedia integration enhances language acquisition: The study demonstrates the positive impact of multimedia resources, such as videos, audios, and songs, on the development of speaking, writing, reading, and listening comprehension skills in foreign language learners.
  • Creativity and language learning strategies promote engagement: The research highlights the importance of incorporating creative approaches and effective language learning strategies in foreign language teaching to create an immersive and stimulating learning environment.
  • Implications for foreign language education practices: The findings provide valuable insights for educators, suggesting the integration of multimedia and the utilization of creativity and language learning strategies to enhance language acquisition and improve overall linguistic abilities in learners.

Keywords: creativity, language learning strategies, multimedia integration, foreign language teaching, linguistic abilities.


At present, in connection with global geopolitical, economic and socio-cultural changes, more and more new demands are placed on people, the demands of modern production on the level of professional training of personnel are increasing. Thus, the need to communicate freely in a foreign language, and sometimes in several languages, increases. Life has changed, the way of receiving information has changed and its volume has changed significantly. So, now almost no one doubts the feasibility of learning foreign languages: in the modern world, learning them is useful and necessary [5, 134].

In recent years, research from around the world emphasizes that the learning environment is the key to successful creative instruction. The ability to create friendly relationships with students is the most significant quality for creative instructors, who are usually committed to the philosophy of humanism. They believe in students' ability to self-educate, emphasize communication and democratic spirit, and help students develop their own personalities. Unlike creative teachers, traditional teachers observe students from a moral perspective and emphasize hierarchy and authority in the classroom.

Materials and Methods

The following creative instructional strategy is concluded from the discussion, observation, and analysis of integrated activities.

Student-centred learning

Subjects utilized student-centered strategies in their innovation orientations. The teachers' role is that of a facilitator rather than a lecturer, assisting students in self-reflection, group discussion, role play, drama presentation and group activities.

Questions for group discussions and presentations are prepared. Students have freedom to choose from what viewpoint they will learn an issue. Through the class, teachers take an action as partner, inspirer, guider and sharer, while students alter from passive listeners to observers, performers and co-learners. It allows them to choose topics for individual or group works. The instruction encourages creativity to explore ideas that interest students. Collins and Amabile believe children’s intrinsic motivation and creativity might be enhanced if their teachers engage them in discussions about the intrinsic excitement and joy of learning.

Class management strategies

Subjects demonstrated sophisticated management, created friendly relationships, and treated students with recognition of their individual characteristics and needs. They tend to be friendlier to their students, speaking with softer tones and body language. When students express their opinions, they do not interrupt and do not immediately make judgments. Instead, they asked for guidance, more open-ended questions, or relayed their personal experiences as references. Humor in the classroom bridges the gap between teachers and students and provides a comfortable learning environment.

Open questions and encouragement of creative thinking

In lesson plans and materials, three subjects developed open-ended questions for students, which stimulated students' creative thinking.

Esquivel identified open questions as a characteristic of creative instructions. In addition, creative teachers constantly encourage students to create and imagine in group discussions. Related studies have shown that teachers can have a more positive effect on students by encouraging them to “be creative” [2, 78].

Visual Learners

Students who best absorb and synthesize information when presented in a graphic representation of meaningful symbols are described as visual learners. They can respond to arrows, charts, diagrams, and other visualizations of information hierarchy, but not necessarily photos or videos. Because visual learners are generally holistic readers who process information better when it is presented as a coherent whole rather than piecemeal, they benefit when presented with summarizing charts and diagrams rather than sequential slides of information. see positive educational outcomes.

Auditory Learners

Auditory (or aural) learners are most fortunate when they are given the chance to hear information presented to them vocally. Because students with this learning style may sometimes prefer not to take notes during class in order to maintain their continuous listening attention, teachers may misunderstand that they are less engaged than their classmates. they can come to the right conclusion.

However, these students may simply have decided that taking notes is distracting and that their sustained attention is a valuable way of learning for them. Listening learning is a two-way street: students who engage in this style often find success in group activities where they are asked to discuss course material aloud with their classmates, and they may benefit from reading their written work aloud to themselves to help them think it through.

Kinesthetic learning

The kinesthetic-tactile learning style requires you to manipulate or touch the material to learn. Kinesthetic-tactile techniques are used in combination with visual and/or auditory learning methods that produce multi-sensory learning. Kinesthetic learning happens when we have hands-on experience. An example of a kinesthetic learning experience is when a child learns to use a swing or ride a bicycle. They can read instructions or listen to instructions, but deep learning is done through the process of doing.

Result and Discussion

Students who work best in the reading/writing modality demonstrate a strong learning preference for the written word. This includes both written information presented in class in the form of handouts and PowerPoint slide presentations as well as the opportunity to synthesize course content in the completion of written assignments. This modality also lends itself to conducting research online, as many information-rich sources on the internet are relatively text-heavy. Reading/writing-oriented students should be encouraged to take copious notes during classroom lectures to help them both process information and have an easier time recalling it later.

Furthermore, each language has its own pronunciation. According to linguists, there are more than 150 sounds in total, and each language uses an average of 30 sounds. Generally, pronunciation needs to be improved after learning a foreign language fluency. The easiest way to improve pronunciation is to listen more in a foreign language. It is necessary to watch movies in this language, to listen to songs. When you hear a song in a foreign language, working with the text, that is translating it or writing transcript will also help your vocabulary. These words are stored in your mind along with the songs.

I think, learners have at least some knowledge about how to learn a foreign language. So, when learning a foreign language, it is necessary to pay attention to every aspect of it. In this way, good results can be achieved by using above-mentioned methods. Apart from, organizing a foreign language highly depends on the student rather than the training centers and teachers. In addition, the rightly chosen methodology, confidence and passion are enough to acquire a foreign language [7, 67].


No matter how the teacher works, no matter what assignments the children give, in order for them to feel comfortable, it is always necessary to verbally support and encourage them, do not skimp on an affectionate word, on praise, on supporting the weak. Paying attention to every successful decision of a weak student, in order to instill self-confidence in him, to whip up his opinion of himself, so that others begin to respect him. My pedagogical credo is “A student is first of all a person”, and in my work I should not offend this person in any way, but always respect and reckon with her. Only with mutual respect, with mutual trust and understanding, any student will feel comfortable in college and will be happy to go there every day.


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