Business and Economics
DOI: 10.21070/acopen.8.2023.7200

Working Effectiveness Of Batu Ix Subdistrict Office, Tanjungpinang East Sub-District, Tanjungpinang City

Efektifitas Kerja Kantor Kelurahan Batu Ix Kelurahan Tanjungpinang Timur Kota Tanjungpinang

STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia
STIE Pembangunan Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

(*) Corresponding Author

Work Effectiveness Public Sector Employee Adaptation Challenges Coordination


This study investigates the work effectiveness of employees within a local governmental context. Focused on the Village Office of Batu IX, East Tanjungpinang District, Tanjungpinang City, the research employs a qualitative descriptive analysis method with data triangulation. The findings reveal existing deficiencies in work effectiveness, spanning service provision, public order implementation, and infrastructural support. However, the study also identifies the employees' capacity to adeptly address challenges through coordination and gradual problem-solving. These insights underscore the complexity of achieving work effectiveness within the public sector, hinting at potential pathways for improvement and adaptation.


  • Complex Public Sector Dynamics: Revealing challenges and deficiencies in work effectiveness within a local governmental context.
  • Adaptive Problem-Solving: Employees demonstrate adeptness in addressing issues through coordination and staged resolutions.
  • Potential for Improvement: Identifying prospects for enhancing work effectiveness through adaptative strategies and collaborative efforts.

Keywords:Work Effectiveness, Public Sector, Employee Adaptation, Challenges, Coordination.


The main issue of private sector organizations let alone the public sector (government) in the current era of development is required to provide the best service to the public or consumers. Meanwhile, the service will run well if in an organization the work effectiveness of its human resources has worked well and optimally. This is in line with the opinion [1] that development and progress in various fields always prioritize work effectiveness in running the wheels of the organization. It is no less interesting about the effectiveness of work to be studied because work effectiveness cannot be separated from efforts to achieve the goals of an organization. Because the organization's goals will be achieved can also be seen to what extent the effectiveness the work of human resources who run the organization runs optimally. In addition, the effectiveness of the work of human resources of a good organization will be able to contribute to providing efficient services [2]. This is confirmed by the effectiveness of work is very necessary for an organization to achieve the goals that have been set. When work effectiveness can be created in the organization, employees will try to overcome and solve the problems faced in carrying out their duties and work [3]. Specifically, work effectiveness can be understood to what extent the work can be carried out properly and completed in accordance with the specified time. Conversely, if the work is not on time, it means that the work is not effective. [4] reveals that effectiveness is an assessment of how well the work is done and the extent to which people produce output as desired, this means that when a job is able to be completed in accordance with planning, both timeliness, cost, and quality, it can be said to be effective. Therefore, clearly, [5] work effectiveness is the completion of work in a timely manner carried out by human resources (employees) in accordance with the rules and practices used by the organization using certain resources and means to achieve goals [6].

Kelurahan is an administrative division in Indonesia below Kecamatan, in the context of regional autonomy in Indonesia. Kelurahan is the working area of the Lurah as a Regency or City Regional Apparatus. Kelurahan is led by a Lurah and assisted by a Lurah Secretary who has the status of a civil servant. Kelurahan is the smallest unit of government that has the right to regulate a more limited area. To smoothly carry out the duties of the Lurah, community institutions such as Rukun Tetangga, Rukun Warga, PKK, Karang Taruna, and Community Empowerment Institutions can be formed [7].

Based on the 2019 annual report of Kelurahan Batu IX, indications of problems were found, namely:

1. There is no synchronization of understanding of the Warning Letter (SP) mechanism and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for services at the counter officers.

2. Uneven workload on service counter officers.

3. Technical obstacles that often occur when inputting KK, which is carried out at the Batu IX Lurah Office, experiencing problems due to server interference.

4. Employees carrying out work responsibilities still cannot be on time or on time because of the absence of the Lurah or Secretary of the Lurah in place which results in not getting his signature so that the introductory files should be ready within 1x24 hours/day but can be 2 or 3 days depending on the Lurah or Secretary of the Lurah being in place. This is still far from achieving tasks and responsibilities so a lot of time is wasted.

5. Employees providing work completion services cannot be done quickly as it should be, this happens because the community's mistakes are sometimes incomplete in providing the requirements for file completeness.

6. Rainy weather is an obstacle in carrying out tasks to be ineffective, this makes people wait because there are still employees who have not arrived at the office in accordance with the rules that have been determined to work from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB. Lack of employee comfort in completing their work. As there are several items that are damaged.

These indications encourage researchers to do further deepening about “Working Effectiveness Of Batu Ix Subdistrict Office, Tanjungpinang East Sub-District, Tanjungpinang City”.


The type of research used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Descriptive research is describing a condition of reality as it is [8]. Qualitative research is research that intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject, holistically and by means of descriptions in the form of words and language, in a special natural context, and by utilizing various natural methods [9]. The types of data used are primary and secondary data. Data collection used in this research is interviews and documentation.

The sampling technique used in this research is the purposive sampling technique. [10] what is meant by purposive sampling technique is a data source sampling technique with certain considerations. In this study, the informants were the Head of the Village Head, the Head of Development & Empowerment of Community Institutions, the Head of General Services & Community Welfare, the Head of Implementation of Public Order & Tranquility, and the staff [11]. The data analysis used uses the Miles & Huberman model, namely triangulation which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data triangulation used is a triangulation of sources and techniques [12].



The Work Effectiveness of Employees of the Batu IX Village Office, East Tanjungpinang District, Tanjungpinang City is as follows:

Ability to Adjust

In the ability to adjust indicator, the author can draw a conclusion that employees at the Batu IX urban village office, East Tanjungpinang sub-district, Tanjungpinang City can work together to adjust to the work in the organization, have good relationships with superiors and coworkers, and work together as a team, but when working sometimes there are problems that occur employees usually act calmly, find solutions for the way out, mutually deliberate, coordinate with superiors [13].

Work Achievement

In the work performance indicator, the author can draw a conclusion that in employees at the Batu IX urban village office, East Tanjungpinang sub-district, Tanjungpinang City, there are still problems found when completing work, one of which is a misunderstanding of delivery to the community, for example, the employee's explanation to the community described does not understand the language conveyed even though according to the employee it is quite clear [14]. Facing the different characters of the community, sometimes employees have to be patient, sometimes they can't wait to deal with it, criticism is also often received by employees because according to the community, employees cannot complete the work as expected by the community, but there are also those who provide criticism that cannot be accepted by employees. unclear). in rainy conditions, employees who work in the field usually cannot go to the field to review if there is work related to the community in the field. Problems that occur usually employees coordinating with superiors, deliberating, and trying to accept criticism that is good and constructive.

Job Satisfaction

In the job satisfaction indicator, the author can draw a conclusion that in employees at the Batu IX urban village office, East Tanjungpinang sub-district, Tanjungpinang City, there is still discomfort in completing work due to facilities and infrastructure that are still lacking, including air conditioning because when the weather is hot it will make employees hot and uncomfortable to work and there are several damaged facilities such as chairs and work desks, then there are some employees who do work that is opened by orders from my superiors, employees also feel that they have made mistakes in completing their work, besides that, in the salary, some employees feel that they have not met the criteria because there is a lot of work in the village, especially in the service department and the allowance is also given small, if I say it is not appropriate [15]. Because we are directly in contact with the community, besides that, all tasks given must go through the kelurahan first at the lowest level for all community data, from people born, and died, our social assistance data, and others. The office only receives reports from the urban village. However, the office always provides opportunities for employees to develop their abilities through training or BIMTEK.


From the results of this research, it is known that there is still ineffectiveness in the work of employees of the Batu IX Village Office, East Tanjungpinang Subdistrict, Tanjungpinang City, this is shown by the results of interviews conducted in the results of key interviews and informants said that there are still problems that occur in completing work both in the fields of service, development, and organizing public order, then in terms of facilities and infrastructure there are still deficiencies found to support the effectiveness of completing work in this case, for example, such as a sultry and uncomfortable room due to lack of air conditioning and fans that make employees uncomfortable in completing their work. And there are some criticisms from the community in the services at the Lurah office. And sometimes the conditions in the field are not favorable such as rain or unexpected situations. However, employees of the Lurah Office can still overcome the problems faced by deliberating and finding solutions as for if there are severe problems resolved with a gradual time and can be overcome this is also with the research title "Employee Work Effectiveness at the Surakarta City Road Transport Traffic Service [16]. The factors that affect work effectiveness are employee job satisfaction, sudden tasks, communication and coordination between technical implementation units, cooperation in team work and between implementing units or between sections, employee creativity in completing work, adequate facilities and infrastructure in accordance with needs, and community support in the form of using roads in accordance with administrative rules and order.

Work effectiveness in a government agency is very necessary, especially this government agency in charge of serving the community, one example is the object that the author examines, namely the Batu IX Village office, East Tanjungpinang District, Tanjungpinang City. In the Batu IX Kelurahan office, Batu IX Village, there is still ineffectiveness, but this ineffectiveness can still be overcome by employees of the Batu IX Kelurahan office, East Tanjungpinang District, Tanjungpinang City itself, this is also supported by the theory of effectiveness according to Mardiasmo [17], basically related to the achievement of policy objectives or targets (results in use).


The conclusion of this research is that the work effectiveness of Batu IX Village employees can be said to be ineffective because of the ability to adjust to the overall Batu IX Village employees there are still problems that arise but employees can still solve these problems by deliberating or coordinating. Then work performance there are several problems where the majority of Batu IX Village employees are quite difficult in carrying out tasks ordered by superiors but are able to cooperate and take great responsibility for their work. Furthermore, there are still some employees who are uncomfortable with the lack of inadequate or damaged facilities, which has an impact on being less effective in completing the work given with this can have a negative effect on thinking (not focused) but this makes a lack of job satisfaction at work..


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