DOI: 10.21070/acopen.8.2023.8043

The Effect of Stick Puppet As a Medium on Students’ Speaking Skill in Narrative Text at SMK Dian Indonesia 

Efek Boneka Tongkat Sebagai Media dalam Keterampilan Bicara Siswa Pada Teks Narasi di SMK Dian Indonesia

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

(*) Corresponding Author

Stick Puppet Speaking Skill Medium


The aim of this study was to find out there was any significant effect in learning speaking narrative using stick puppet as a medium in their storytelling. The background of this research has been conducted on eleventh TKJ students of SMK Dian Indonesia who have problems understanding in English learning especially in speaking skill. Research design which the researcher used was pre-expperimental one class research. The result of the Researcher used the standart 5% or 0.050. After consulted to t – table, the result is : tvalue ≥ ttable (14; 5% or 0.050) = 6,87 ≥ 1,76. After calculate it, the researcher count the value of Eta-square and the result was there is a significant effect of using the medium. Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Based on the result above, there is significant effect of stick puppet as media on students’speaking skill in narrative text at SMK Dian Indonesia.


  • Innovative Teaching Medium: Stick puppet as a storytelling tool offers a creative approach to enhance speaking skills.
  • Significant Effect: The research highlights the positive impact of stick puppet usage on students' narrative speaking abilities.
  • Educational Implications: Findings suggest the potential for integrating unconventional mediums like stick puppets into language learning curriculum to address specific learning challenges.

Keywords: Stick Puppet, Speaking Skill, Medium


English is one of language that often used by people in many countries. English language is international communication tool in the world. This language used in various fields of expertise especially in education. In education of Indonesia, this language has even been introduced to students since in a kinder garden although only vocabulary includes the names of things, animals, colors, etc. Nowadays, English language is one of important subject in education besides mathematics and Indonesia language.

English is divided into four skills. There are reading, listening, writing, and speaking skill. Thornbury said, speaking is an important skill from the other, because it used in daily activity [1]. Speaking not only looked on grammatical that speaker used, but also looked on the fluently when speaker speak up. Derakhshan said, speaking is the second skill and has the important role in a communication [2]. Speaking is an important role in human’s daily activity. In Speaking, everyone must learn to everyone must learn to form ideas and express them by speaking in language.

According to Hussain, speaking is an ability that many people want to master it fluently [3]. Speaking is a productive skill, because someone speak up it produce a sound, by Husain [4]. Speaking is a special skill. When someone want to expressed what s(he) read and want to said the written idea, s(he) talk.

According to Hosni [5], Speaking is the active use of language to convey a meaning. For children, spoken language becomes a media for finding new language to understand, learn, and practice the language. Basically, when two or more people want communicate with others and want present their opinion each will start speak using a language. Speaking process that happen is create an interaction between speakers and listeners. According to Richard [6], there are three functions of speaking; Talk as interaction, Talk as transaction, Talk as performance.

According to Nishanthi [7], learners study English language to requirements of the final exam. English lesson not teach clearly of each skill in English. That make learning English is more difficult.

Based on preliminary research at SMK Dian Indonesia, a group of the students demonstrated speech using English. They stand in front of the class and speak very slowly. The students are not confident to speak because they do not know what is must be speak needed. There are two problems that researcher found during the research. First problem is from the students, students’ speaking ability is still low. Many students cannot speak English orally because lack of the grammar and vocabulary. The difficulties students’ speaking English are limited practice speak English, lack of grammar and vocabulary mastery, students are difficult to speak because do not understand pronunciation some sentences problem.

Second problem is from the teacher point of view. Teachers usually use same media like a slide presentation in teaching learning process. Teacher reads what is written on the slide. According to Fauza [8], focus too much on the grammar formula, paying more attention to generic structure and language features can be a problem of the lack of English speaking practice because students are too passive and not interested in English.

According to Rababa’h (2005), many difficulties English foreign language in speaking skill, some problems related to the learners, teaching strategy, and the curriculum. In this case, the problem students’ speaking English refer to the students and the teacher. Therefore, the right method needed in English learning.

Using learning media is the solution of the problems. Many media can be used and of course it must be in accordance with the material to be delivered. The kind of learning medias are song, picture, audio, video, puppet, etc. Researcher choose puppet media for teaching English in speaking skill. This puppet will be used by students in their storytelling. Puppet will be made into an object that will help students when doing storytelling.

Media is a tool that uses to supporting material in teaching learning process by teacher. Media is a tool for expressing and delivering a massage or information about the lesson. According to Grunwald in Rugut [9], the improvement of media must be seen as an important component in the world of education. Because almost all teachers use various types of instructional media as teaching aids.

The function of media as teaching aids are create interesting learning, students become more creative and can improving learning motivation. For improving a quality in learning process is need use an instructional media (Ahmad Rivai: 2003). According to Mona Khameas in Zulaihatin (2017), there are three kinds of the media teacher can used; visual media, audio media, audio-visual media.

Brown state that creative media will help improves student performance abilities and enables student to be more interested in learning English [10]. The media is able to attract students' interest in learning will make it easier for students to receive learning material.

Puppet is a visual medium to use for describing physical features and characters. Puppet is one of media that can be used in foreign languages which is learned in Indonesian schools at Kindergarten until Universities. Puppet can makes students interest for learning process. Puppet gives more experience for the students when they learn English.

Puppet is a suitable medium for teaching speaking narrative. This study, students will retell the narrative stories. Regardless a someone’s age, Retelling story is the process of making the story in the mind and making the meaning then communicating to others (Hamilton, Weiss: 2005) . Puppet can make students interest to listen the speaker tell a story and make students imagine it.

Puppet is an inanimate object that can be moved by humans. Puppet is an appropriate tool to be used in English class activities. Puppet is a doll that is moved by a puppeteer like a movement of the head or hands. The movement conveys an emotion and thought (Kroger, Nupponen) [11]. The use of puppets in children can build enthusiasm for interacting in the learning process (Leyser & Wood in Tzuriel, Remer) [12]. Puppet can make the classroom atmosphere enjoyable. According to Martin (2009), puppets can give the feelings of happiness to students who use puppets.

Using puppets for teaching and learning process in the class increases motivation in students’ motivation involvement in learning by spoken language and communication skills (S. Gronna: 2016). Playing with dolls can stimulate the brain to communicate. Dolls make a demonstration using the brain, hands and tongue to produce imaginative thoughts (D. Ozdenite: 2016). The uniqueness of puppet will facilitate the learning process of all ages. Puppet is one of the media that is suitable for practicing students' speaking skills. Puppet can help improve speaking skills, and make students comfortable in the lesson. There are four types of puppet by Currell; Glove puppet or hand puppet, Marionettes, Stick puppet, and shadow puppet [13].

Based on previous study by Feriyadi [14], the research choose paper puppet as a media. The action research did at the second grade SMP plus As-sa’adah Serang Banten. Researchers want to know about students achievement in English speaking using paper puppet. Researcher use an experimental group design pre-test post-test.

Second the previous study written by Rosyidah [15]. The research conducted a quasi-experimental method. In this research researcher wants to know the effect of using role play and stick puppet to teach speaking narrative. The process of the implementation in tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Losari. Researcher find the significant effect use role play and stick puppet in teaching speaking.

Third the previous study written by Ningtyas [16]. The research conducted a true experimental study named pretest-posttest group design. The result was there is significant effect of using stick puppet in speaking skill in seventh grade SMPN 1 Tanggulangin.

The result of the research, there is significant effect from use a puppet as teaching media. Using stick puppet can give effect in students speaking. The similarity of the above research is the type of puppet chosen by the researcher. However the different this study with other research, in this study stick puppets were made more alive by adding sticks to one hand from the puppets.

In this study, researcher chooses stick puppet as a media in teaching speaking skill. Stick puppet is a type of puppet that uses a stick for each puppet and is attached to the back of the puppet. Stick puppet is suitable to be applied in this research target. Stick puppet can be modified to make them more attractive by adding sticks and sticking them on one hand to make them move. Stick puppet will look more lively and attractive to research targets. According to the Freed (2009), stick puppet is used to support the upper body of a stick puppet. Orr in Sulasih (2016) state stick puppet is supported and manipulated by stick or thin metal rod. Stick puppet is usually called rod puppet. According to Currell (2014) [13], a rod puppet is a puppet that is held and moved by rod. This stick is connected with the puppet’s body. Stick Puppets are controlled by moving sticks that are stuck behind the puppet's body.

According to Sulasih (2016), stick puppet can design into two dimensions (2D) and three dimension (3D). Usually, stick puppet made by cloth, art paper, etc. In this research researcher choose using stick puppet. Researcher make the puppet based on character in the folk story.

Based on the background of the study, the problem from this research; there is any effect or no from use stick puppet as medium on students’ speaking in narrative text at SMK Dian Indonesia. The purpose from this research to know effect of stick puppet as medium on students’ speaking skill. Based on the problem in this research, the hypothesis is a follow; there is significant effect of stick puppet as media on students’ speaking skill in narrative text at SMK Dian Indonesia.


According to Sugiyono [17], researching is a process of finding data accurately. In this study, researcher use pre-experimental research. Educational evaluations and research that uses pre-experimental research designs are also called one group pre-test and post-test (E. Marsden: 2012). There will be one group students being treated in the experiment of teaching speaking use a stick puppet in narrative text.

The procedures of experimental research that use one group pre-test and post-test design; (a) Organizing a pre-test for knowing students speaking narrative achievement in eleventh grade SMK Dian Indonesia Sidoarjo. (b) Applying a treatment use puppet as a teaching media narrative text in speaking skill. (c) Organizing a post-test for knowing students speaking narrative achievement after giving the treatment in eleventh grade SMK Dian Indonesia.

This study researcher use pre-experimental research with quantitative approach. The researcher want to know there is significant effect or not use the puppet as a media teaching speaking narrative text. This research consists of two variables those are independent and dependent variables. According to Sugiyono [17], variable research is essentially is what set by researchers to learn that obtained information about this, then making a conclussion.

Pre-test Treatment Post-test
O1 X O2
Table 1. Design of re-test post-test One Group

There are two variable in this research. The first is independent variable. This variable referred to as the stimulus, predictors, and antecedent. Independent variable is the variable that its existence will give affect or lead to the existence of dependent variable [17]. Independent variable in this research is applying stick puppets in teaching learning narrative text. The second one is dependent variable. This variable referred to as output, criteria, and consequence. Dependent variable is variable that influenced because of the independent variable [18]. Dependent variable in this research is speaking ability from eleventh grade SMK Dian Indonesia.

Based on Arikunto [18], that the sample is part of the population to be studied. Sugiyono says that the sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population [17]. The population of all students in class XI are 21 students and the sample studied are 15 students.

Eleventh Grade at SMK Dian Indonesia The Number of Students
Male 13 students
Female 8 students
Population 21 students
Sample 15 students
Table 2. The Number of Students

According to Arikunto [18], the subject to be investigated by researchers is called the research subject. Researcher do the research in Eleventh grade of SMK Dian Indonesia. The number of students in the class is 21 students. According to Sugiyono [17], measuring instruments in research are called research instruments. research instruments are tools used to measure natural and social phenomena that are being observed (specifically the research variables). According to Arikunto [18], there are two types of instrument, test and non-test.

This research use test instrument in the study. Test is a series of questions or exercises used to measure skills, knowledge, intelligences, abilities, or talent possessed by individual or group. While non-test includes giving questionnaire, interview, observation, art skill and documentation (Arikunto) [18]. Type of the test in the study is spoken test, retell the narrative story. There are the instruments of the research in this study; (a) Pre-Test. This section, researcher give the test use picture-cued task. According to Brown, the test to assess the ability of oral language performance that is stimulated using images is then explained verbally [10]. (b) Treatment. This section researcher give two stories to students. First treatment students must retell Malin Kundang story use stick puppet. Then, researcher give other story and students retell again the story. (c) Post-Test. In post-test researcher give Danau Toba picture-cued task and stick puppet as a media. Students must retell the story use the media.

Research instruments have an important role in a study. Whether or not the data is depends on whether or not a research instrument. Data is a depiction of the variables studied. According to Arikunto, quality instruments must be declared valid and reliable [18]. Pallant said validity is showing the level of validity or validity of a research instrument. Validity refers to a scale that measures the extent and what must be measured which involves empirical evidence about its use [19].

There are two types of validity tests namely external validity and internal validity. In this research researcher use internal validity. Internal validity is achieved if there is a match between the instrument part and the instrument as a whole. According to Arikunto [18], an instrument is said to have high validity when the items forming the instrument do not deviate from its function. The researcher will validate the lesson plan and media validated by an English lecturer who is already an expert and has the authority to assess how valid the assessment will be used in this study. The criterions of scoring validation sheet are; 1 = Bad, 2 = Less, 3 = Enough, 4 = Good, 5 = Excellent.

No. Name of Students Fluency Pronunciation Grammar Vocabulary Content
(5,3,1) (5,3,1) (5,3,1) (5,3,1) (5,3,1)
Table 3.Scoring Rubric in Speaking Narrative

To make this research successful, the researcher conducted the several steps of collecting data; The researcher give Pre-test to the eleventh grade students of SMK Dian Indonesia. The researcher teach speaking narrative text by using stick puppet as a teaching media to the eleventh grade students of SMK Dian Indonesia. The researcher give Post-test to the eleventh grade students of SMK Dian Indonesia. The researcher analyzed result of Pre-test score and Post-test score. Then, the researcher can analyze the data. Sugiyono said, data analysis is an activity of grouping data based on variables and types of correspondents, tabulating data based on variables and all correspondents, presenting data for each variable, performing calculations to test hypotheses that have been made [17].

Data analysis techniques in quantitative research are statistics. Data analysis was performed to determine the effect of using stick puppet in teaching narrative speaking. Based on statement of the problem stated in the previous chapter, the data should be analyzed are; (a) Score of pre–test is test used before using stick puppet as a media of teaching English in speaking narrative text. (b) Score of post–test is test used after using stick puppet as a media of teaching English in speaking narrative text.

Researcher do the hypothesis test for knowing the amswer from problem statement in this study. T-test was held to decide any significant effect or not when teaching use stick puppet in SMK Dian Indonesia. According to Arikunto [18], the formula of hypothesis in pre-experimental research is :

t=Md/√((〖Σx〗^2 d)/(N(N-1)))

Note :

Md: The mean of deviation (d) between the post-test and pre-test

Xd: The difference between the deviation and the mean deviation

N: The number of subject

d.f: N-1

The steps analyze of T-test describing of Ha dan Ho. Ha means there is significant effect of stick puppet as a media in teaching speaking. Ho means there is not significant effect of stick puppet as a media in teaching speaking. After that, specify Ha and Ho in the statistical model and calculate T-test. Next, specify the level of significant, this study the level of significant use α = 5% (0.05) or α = 1% (0.01), it is standart size which often used in this study. Then, finding the Ttable with the provisions df=N-1. Then, specify criteris of the test; If tvalue>ttable in significant degree of 5%, Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Stick puppet as a media in teaching speaking narrative has significant effect in teaching learning English at eleventh grade. The score from students’ post-test are higher than pre-test. If tvalue<ttable in significant degree of 5%, Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. Stick puppet as a media in teaching speaking narrative has not effect in teaching learning English at eleventh grade. The score from students’ post-test are same or lower than students’ score in pre-test. The next step is comparing tvalue and ttable. Finally, making the conclusion.

When the researcher already got the result, the next step was calculating the Eta-squared. (Norouzian & Plonsky, 2018) The calculation of how much effect is produced by one or more of the independent variables is called eta-squared [20]. This process is carried out after the T-test calculation is done. This is the formula from eta squared (Pallant, 2005:208) [20].

Formula of Eta-squared :

Eta Squared = t^2/(t^2+ (n-1))

Description :

t = t value

n = number of subject

According to (Pallant, 2005: 201), values for eta squared can range from 0 to 1.

Result and Discussion

The study was conducted at Dian Indonesia Vocational School. Researchers chose class XI - TKJ for data retrieval. This study uses a pre-experimental research that have three data collection process. There are pre-test, treatment, and post test. Based on observations made before the study. XI TKJ students have problems in speaking skills. The mass was proven when the researcher conducted the first stage of the study, namely the pre-test.

The researcher was started the research on 27th January 2020 – 22nd February 2020. Researcher introduced herself before the research started. Researcher also explained the aim from the research to the students. Reseracher did it on Monday, 27th January 2020.

The first meeting, researchers did the pre-test for speaking narrative text to the students XI TKJ. Students must storytelling about Sangkuriang’s story. Each students must stand on the front class and retell the story. Researcher and teacher took the score for pre-test from students’ story about Sangkuriang.

The second meeting, researcher explained again about the material. In this section, researcher showed the new medium. That is a stick puppet. Researcher explained how to use the medium while the students retell the narrative story. For the second meeting, students retell about Sangkuriang’s story. After that, the students practiced use the media when they retell about Sangkuriang.

The third meeting, researcher gave new narrative story. The title is Danau Toba. Reseracher explained the material in 15 minutes. After that, students rewrite the story with their own word. Students also practiced retell the Danau Toba story use stick puppet as the medium.

The fourth meeting, researcher took the score in students post test. Researcher gave the new story and the medium. The tittle of the story is Malin Kundang. Each of students started story telling use the medium. After gave the post test, reserach did review of each students about their performance.

N Minimum Maximum Sum Mean
Pre-test 15 20 24 388 25.86667
Post-test 15 36 60 624 41.6
Table 4.Statistic of Pre-test and Post-test in XI TKJ
No Name Score Difference
Pre-test Post-test
1 Student 1 28 36 -8
2 Student 2 20 32 -12
3 Student 3 28 56 -28
4 Student 4 20 40 -20
5 Student 5 36 44 -8
6 Student 6 20 44 -24
7 Student 7 32 44 -12
8 Student 8 24 36 -12
9 Student 9 28 48 -20
10 Student 10 32 60 -28
11 Student 11 20 32 -12
12 Student 12 36 44 -8
13 Student 13 24 56 -32
14 Student 14 20 24 -4
15 Student 15 20 28 -8
SUM 388 624
MEAN 25.87 41.6
Table 5. Score Pre-Test and Post-Test

The result of this research took in XI TKJ. That is a students’ achievement in pre-test and post-test. The researcher use stick puppet as a medium in teaching speaking narrative. The result of pre-test it given before the treatment use the stick puppet as a medium. The mean of the result is 25.87 from 15 students. Researcher gave a treatment in two weeks using the medium (stick puppet).

The result of post-test is the value of the students after given the treatment. Each of students perform used the medium. The mean of the result is 41.6 from 15 students. Looking for the mean of the pre-test and post-test, the score of post test is higher than the pre test. The next step is T-tes, this test used to verify the hypothesis of the research. Whether, there is a significant effect of stick puppet as medium on students’ speaking skill in narrative text at SMK Dian Indonesia. According to Arikunto [18], the formula of T-test is as follows :

t=Md/√((〖Σx〗^2 d)/(N(N-1)))

Description :

Md= Average from differences in pre-test and post-test

Σx2d= Total of deviation square

Xd= Devitiaton in every subject

N= Sample of subject

d.b= it will make by N-1

a. Calculating the T – test

Md= Σd/N

= 236/15

= 15, 73

Σx2d= Σd2 - 〖(Σd)〗^2/N

= 4816 – 〖(-236)〗^2/15

= 4814 – 3.713,07

= 1.100.93

t=Md/√((〖Σx〗^2 d)/(N(N-1)))





t = 6.87

d.f = (N-1) = 15 – 1 = 14 (Consulted by t – table list)

Researcher used the standart 5% or 0.050. After consulted to t – table, the result is;

= tvalue ≥ ttable (14; 5% or 0.050)

= 6.87 ≥ 1.76

b. Calculating of Eta-squared

Formula of Eta-squared :

Eta Squared = t^2/(t^2+ (n-1))

Description :

t = t value

n = number of subject

Eta Squared = t^2/(t^2+ (n-1))

= 〖6,87〗^2/(〖6,87〗^2+ (15-1))

= 47.1969/(47.1969+14)

= 47.1969/61.1969

= 0.771230242 ≈ 0.77

Criteria Note
0.01≤ t < 0.006 There is small effect
0.01≤ t < 0.006 There is moderate effect
t ≥ 0.14 There is large effect
Table 6.Criteria of Eta Squared

Based on the above calculation, it can be concluded that the value of tvalue is higger than ttable. It mean; there is a siginificant effect of stick puppet as medium on students’ speaking kill in narrative text at SMK Dian Indonesia. Ha is accpeted and Ho is rejected if the value of tvalue is lower than ttable. The, Ho is accpeted and Ha is rejected if the value of tvalue is higher than ttable. Degrees of freedom (d.f) of t distribution table is 14. The ttable of the d.f is 1.761 (5%) and 2.624 (1%). The value of tvalue is 6.87.

Researcher use stick puppet as a medium on students’ speaking skill in narrative text at SMK Dian Indonesia. This research conducted in SMK Dian Indonesia. The research object are students XI TKJ. The finding of the research described there is a significant effect of stick puppet as a medium on students’ speaking skill in narrative text. Looking for the mean of the post-test result is higher than pre-test result, it make this research successful.

The results of the pre-test, from ten students all have an average value of 20 to 30. When added up and taken the average which is 25.87, the researcher concludes that there is a deficiency in the speaking aspect. At the second meeting, the use of stick puppets was finally implemented as a learning medium.

After giving treatment on how to use stick puppets, students began to learn how to tell folk tales using puppets. During the practice of retelling a folklore, there was still no improvement in the students' speaking.

In the third week, the researcher gave treatment once again with a different folklore. Students start working on their tasks including making stories based on their understanding and starting to apply them to the learning media used. During the fourth week, after there was a review of learning for three weeks, students began to do post-tests with different folklore from the second and third weeks. From the post-test results, the researchers concluded that there was an increase in students' speaking skills using stick puppets with a total score of 624 with an average of 41.6 point.

The finding of the research was conducted with the previous study by Feriyadi (2016), Rosyidah (2016), and Ningtyas (2018). The result for the research, there is significant effect from use a puppet as a teaching media. It can give students more interested in learning process usie stick puppet as a learning medium.


According to the result and discussion in chapter four, use stick puppet is succesfully at SMK Dian Indonesia. The achievement of students post-test is higher than pre test. The mean score from post test is 41.6. Researcher collected data in XI TKJ. The research conducted on January until February 2020.

Stick puppet was choosen in this research because this medium is suitable for teaching speaking narrative. This medium can atrract students’ interest that make it easier for students to receive learning material. This medium also make learning English more fun. Learning English use a visual media can help students in their lesson. In SMK Dian Indonesia especially in XI TKJ, researcher applied the medium when students retelling narrative story.

Teacher must have many ways to make the learning process more creative. Teacher have a big position for fasilitating the material to the students. Finding a suitable media of each English material can help the students more understanding in lesson.


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