
If astronomers want to know if there is life on another planet, they first begin to determine if there is water on that planet. Because in order for life to exist, water must first exist. Science has already proved that life on Earth first appeared in water and passed from it to land - air and soil. Water, with its solubility, sustains the life of all living organisms in nature. Academician AP Karpinsky, the father of Russian geology, wrote, "Water is the most precious resource, and it is impossible to live without it.

People, knowing the importance of water, have long built houses and cities on the banks of rivers or lakes, and nomadic peoples have always sought a place where there is water. People are always looking for places where there is water to relax. Bathing is the most important tool for maintaining good health and exercise. As the German scientist G. Liebman said, "In order for people on our planet to be healthy, it is not the miracles of technology, but clean, safe drinking water." Water is a supreme blessing bestowed by nature for the survival of all living things. We cannot imagine our daily lives without water. [3] Water is of great importance in maintaining human health. We know that 75-80% of the human body is water. If he loses 6-8% of his body water, his temperature rises, his heart beats, his breathing speeds up, he becomes dizzy and begins to have pain. If more water is lost, a person can also die. It is clear that water is the source of life. Saving and preserving it should become a sacred duty of every citizen.

It is known that water makes up 70% of the planet and is made up of oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and groundwater. An average of 1 percent of the planet’s available water is made up of drinking water, and the rest is the salt water of the seas and oceans, which makes it unsuitable for drinking, watering plants and animals. However, ocean and sea waters also play an important role in shaping the climate, in the movement of water circulation, for the survival of all plants and animals in them, and for the movement of water vehicles.

More than 40 percent of the glaciers in the Arctic and mountains have melted due to global warming, the glaciers of Mount Klimanjaro in Africa have melted, icebergs have formed from glaciers in Antarctica, and are melting into ocean waters. Almost every year, floods occur in many European countries, in many regions of Russia. If the warming of the atmosphere continues, in the XXI century the level of the world's oceans will rise by 1-5 meters, leading to flooding of a significant part of the land. [5]

According to Uzbek experts, if the warming of the atmosphere continues, the country's water resources will decrease by 15-25% in 2000-2030; when the atmospheric air warms, the evaporation of water increases, and the crops require multiple irrigation during the development period. Yields are reduced due to lack of water for crops.

There is no life without water, but man has polluted the water so much because of his careless activity that such water has now become the source of all life in nature. As a result, the soil structure has deteriorated, leading to various diseases of animals and humans. Such mistreatment of water is not only an environmental disaster, but also a spiritual tragedy.

The sources of water pollution are many: and diverse. These include effluents from industrial and domestic enterprises, effluents from the production of mineral resources: effluents from oil refineries; untreated water from hospitals, livestock complexes, etc.

The share of oil products, industrial and domestic wastes, sewage, radioactive and various toxic chemicals dumped into the world's oceans is growing every year. About 10 million people a year enter the world's oceans. tons of oil products are added. As a result of subsea oil production, 100-200 thousand tons of oil are released from oil wells a year, polluting the ocean water. 11,000 tons of oil spilled into the Atlantic Ocean from a Greek tanker that recently crashed off the coast of Portugal, polluting the water. [6] As a result, Portugal lost much of its flora and fauna near Spain. When oil is spilled into ocean waters, the surface of the water is covered with a veil, disrupting the process of heat and gas exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere. As a result, the circulating movement of water in nature, the radioactive properties of the ocean surface change, making it difficult for animals and plants in the water to breathe.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of pesticides enter the ocean annually through rivers and atmospheric air. 30-35% of mercury (9-10 thousand tons) and 2 million tons of lead fall into the world's oceans. Recently (2005) nitrobenzene, cadmium, and other substances flowing into the Amur River from a factory accident in China flowed into the Pacific Ocean. In addition, about 7 million pieces of various metal items, more than 500,000 glass containers, more than 1 million pieces of paper and plastic boxes are thrown into the oceans a year.

Pesticides thrown into ocean water have a detrimental effect on the photosynthesis of plants in it, condemning animals to serious diseases and death. Heavy metals dumped into the ocean poison people through animal products. Even bathing near some resort towns is prohibited due to the pollution of ocean waters. [7] Due to the pollution of ocean waters, their fishing has decreased by 15-25 million tons, from fishing in Japan alone to 100 million dollars a year, and the total loss of ocean water pollution in the United States is more than 10 billion dollars. If all countries do not take drastic measures to prevent pollution of ocean water, the famous French oceanologist Jacques Cousteau predicted that "unless the major powers of industry and tourism stop poisoning, life in the oceans will disappear by the end of the century."

The major rivers on the planet, such as the Mississippi in the United States, the Thames in England, the Seine in France, the Rhine in Germany, the Volga in Russia, and others, are highly polluted. As a result, many fish species living in them became extinct. In addition, the rivers of Uzbekistan, such as Syrdarya, Zarafshan, Chirchik, and the water from the canals flowing from them are polluted by the spills of industrial and household waste, some of which do not even have the conditions for any living organisms.

Currently, 2 billion people on the planet suffer from lack of drinking water. According to the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) Kofi Annan, in 2015, half of the world's population will suffer from a shortage of drinking water, and by 2025, two-thirds of the planet's population will be without drinking water. If the number of people increases at the current level, it will reach 7.5 billion people.

Currently, $ 1 trillion worth of drinking water is sold in bottles worldwide. In another 10 years, sales of drinking water will increase by $ 15 trillion. This is 40 percent of the revenue from the sale of petroleum products. It should be noted that there will be no need to process water like oil. In the future, countries with drinking water stocks will see huge profits by buying water, but countries with scarce drinking water will suffer huge economic losses.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as in our region, there is a shortage of drinking water from year to year, especially in summer. In addition, the country's population growth is high. [9,10] In the coming years, its number is expected to reach 30 million. That is, the demand for water is increasing and water is declining.

Kashkadarya, which is the only one in our region, is of great importance for the people of the region. Around this river, people have been engaged in farming, gardening and animal husbandry for thousands of years. In short, the socio-political, economic and spiritual-cultural development of the peoples of the Kashkadarya oasis is directly connected with this river. The region is also named after the river that is the source of life for its peoples.

Excessive levels of chlorine, sulfate, calcium salts, petroleum products, radioactive waste in the water cause animals and people to suffer from various diseases and die. In particular, the population around the Aral Sea is more prone to kidney and gastrointestinal diseases due to salinization.

The unfortunate situation caused by the wrong attitude towards water is not only an environmental disaster, but also our spiritual tragedy. This is because behind the violence against nature are people who cannot see the future.

In the past, river and canal water was drunk because it was as pure as zilol. Not only adults, but even young children did not dare to throw any straw into the water. Because water pollution is a sin, they have been given environmental education. And now some people throw all their dirty waste into the water. In the past, water was used sparingly. Even when praying near a river, that is, where there is plenty of water, one is taught not to overdo it. [6,7]

The existing groundwater in the upper zone of our region is a great good for our people, because such pure drinking water is not found everywhere. Much of the groundwater in the lower zone of the province has become saline and unfit for consumption.

One of the main ways to improve the lives of our people is to fully meet their demand for clean drinking water. To do this, more attention should be paid to measures to increase water and keep it clean. It is known that snow, which is the source of water, falls less in the mountains, and the area of ​​glaciers is shrinking. One of the main reasons for this is that in the first half of the last century, the forests in the mountains, especially the pine forests, were cut down, leaving the mountains barren. More than 50 percent of the forests in the mountains of our region have been cut down. As a result, the water receded and many springs dried up. The moisture that falls in the spring also evaporates quickly, and the soil is eroded by wind and rain. [8] The next generation is suffering from the mistake made by previous generations. If the mistakes made in this regard are not corrected today, the situation of the next generation will be even worse. The main condition for restoring the balance of nature in these areas is to pay more attention to the establishment of new forests.

One of the main conditions for water protection is to save it. In order to save water, it is important to collect, treat and reuse more and more wastewater.

In many places, due to the failure of the irrigation system (canals, trays, ditches), part of the water is wasted by evaporating into the ground or evaporating into the air, and in some farms, especially around the Karshi canal, There are cases of over-irrigation and over-irrigation. It is known that many farms consume twice as much water as the optimal amount. [9] Excessive irrigation of cotton causes it to rot, the soil to cool and condense, and the activity of beneficial microorganisms in it to decrease.

At the initiative of the United Nations, March 22 has been declared "World Water Day". This calls on workers around the world to protect water resources.

Natural water resources in our country are extremely limited. That is why drinking water is valuable in our country. However, in recent years, we have made and continue to make serious mistakes in water use. There are many cases of water wastage and pollution.

According to 2015 data, Kashkadarya region also has many shortcomings and deficiencies in this regard. At present, there are 69 organizations in the region, 45 of which are in the watershed, and 24 in the relief. discharge wastewater. In particular, we can mention the Mubarek gas processing plant, Shurtan gas fields, Karshi city organization "Suv ​​akova" and Shurtan-Chemical complex.

In some organizations, wastewater is discharged directly into open water bodies and reliefs due to non-compliance of water treatment facilities. As a result, these effluents pollute not only open water bodies, but also groundwater. [10]

The first task of officials is to ensure the rational use and protection of water, the provision of treatment and processing of wastewater throughout the country. Due to various sources of pollution, it causes various infectious and non-infectious diseases among humans. These are: dangerous infectious diseases such as gastrointestinal, jaundice, diarrhea, typhoid, typhoid fever. Water contains about 65 trace elements. More than 20 of them are iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, copper, iron and others, which are very important for the needs of the organism. An increase or decrease in these elements results in various infectious diseases. For example: bull, kareis, feluaroz.

It is important to provide the population with clean drinking water. Drinking water must meet the requirements of special state standards and be the focus of constant health care facilities. Basically, it is necessary to use the method of purification of water by chlorination or ozonation, as in most countries, in the purification of water from various pathogenic bacteria.

We are now suffering from the mistakes made by previous generations. Today, if we do not stop the mistakes made in this regard, the situation of the next generation may be even worse.


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