Leasing Procedure of Fixed Assets in Budget Organizations and their Expenditure
Accounting for transactions related to the receipt and expenditure of rental income to budget organizations is one of the most pressing issues today. In this article we discuss what the leasing of fixed assets is and some peculiarities of these assets in budget organizations. We also describe what a lease agreement is and what are stated in this type of an agreement.
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ISSN:2776-0960 Volume 2, Issue 4 April, 2021192
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3)Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of theRepublic of Uzbekistan dated September 3, 1999 No 414 "On improving the procedurefor financing the budgetary organizations".http://lex.uz/docs/3192864)Regulation “On the composition of expenditures for production and sale ofproducts (works, services) and the procedure for forming financial results”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 5, 1999 No 54. http://lex.uz/docs/2644225)Regulation “On the procedure for rent of stateowned property” approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan # 102 dated April 8, 2009
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