In this article are analyzed the possibilities of using modern forms of employment in the country, and also develops recommendations for regulating distance employment, which is relevant in modern conditions.
Today, our country aims to occupy a strong position in the ranks of advanced and developed countries. And the reforms carried out in this regard are aimed at creating decent living conditions for our people. In the following years, Uzbekistan's shahdam steps are recognized by the world community.
Digital economy this is the transfer of the existing economy to the new system by creating new technologies and business models and introducing them into everyday life. At the same time, the digital economy is a system that can be implemented on the basis of the use of digital technologies of economic, social and cultural relations.In turn, revolutionary changes in the digital economy and data will allow to increase the volume and efficiency of services provided by the state. At the same time, it will ensure transparency and strengthen the confidence of citizens in the state.
In fact, it is difficult to imagine today's era without digital technologies. After all, it is becoming a criterion of our daily necessary need, the development of each network. In 2017-2021 in the strategy of action on the priority directions of further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, issues of implementation of measures on innovative solutions, information technology and introduction of digital economy in all spheres for improving the quality of life of citizens have also been consistently and intensively[2].In Uzbekistan, companies with state participation occupy a significant share of the economy. Therefore, their digitization directly affects the growth of the gross domestic product of the country. In other words, digital transformation of the public sector can become one of the important drivers of economic growth in Uzbekistan.
According to the results of analyzes conducted by influential organizations around the world, the digital economy is expected to grow at least by 30 percent, while simultaneously allowing the economy to be eradicated and sharply reducing corruption. It can be seen that this sphere will give a serious impetus to the high development of all spheres and sectors in our country.
Main part
In this regard, it is worth noting that the digital economy is the main culprit of corruption and the "hidden economy".The fact that the state chooses the path to the development of the digital economy opens up new directions in the field of Information Technology and in general in the circulation of electronic documents.Currently, the development of the digital economy in the world is taking place at an accelerated pace. The development of the digital economy allows to fully meet the demand of consumers and increase labor productivity in the spheres and sectors of the economy. E-commerce provides for the Prevention of crises on the basis of acceleration of the realization of goods and services. This is virtual payments system accelerates the turnover. And Internet advertising, in turn, allows to expand the advertising audience around the world.
In order to further develop science in our country, to educate young people as owners of deep knowledge, high spirituality and culture, to continue the work that began in the formation of a competitive economy and to raise them to a new, modern level, 2020 was called the year of development of Science, Education and digital economy. The task is to develop the program "digital Uzbekistan 2030", according to which the goal is set to accelerate the process of digital transformation of Uzbekistan.With the development of information technology, new areas of employment are emerging today. Employers have the opportunity to hire employees on a voluntary basis and at their discretion, and the difference in geographic location and time does not matter. Employees will be able to perform their duties remotely using information technology and will be able to perform the specified task at any time, without leaving home.
A number of scientists conducted research on modern forms of employment, remote employment. The founder and president of the Davos Economic Forum, Karl Schwab, has reasoned that the main factor of production in the digital economy will be the potential of personnel, and not capital, in his opinion, " the Fourth Industrial Revolution will create fewer jobs in new industries than in previous revolutions
"Based on the accumulated knowledge, we are faced with the disappearance of the gap and separation between the spheres today, the integration of the spheres and the emergence of new professions, and this process is accelerating" [4].
"The "distance relationship" between the employer and employees is a component of the process of decentralization of labor activity in time and space. This also serves to shape the resilient vertual labor market " [3].
"Working at a distance (tele work) is a labor activity performed using information and communication technologies while at a distance compared to the employer. The main feature of such a form of employment is employment
it is the establishment of "economic relations at a distance"between employees in a virtual way
Based on the above and other studies, this article analyzes the possibilities of using modern forms of employment in our country, as well as the issue of remote employment regulation, which is considered relevant in today's conditions.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is based on the development of information technology together with automation, computerization and robotics, resulting in both technical and socio-economic changes. The digitization of employment can lead not only to the emergence of new professions and jobs in the field of analysis and software development, but also to the disappearance of certain employment sectors that can be automated and robotic. As a result, there will be a gap between high-paying and low-paying jobs. It can be said that information technology is changing forms of employment. The digital revolution affects the employment structure from two sides: organizational-technical and socio - economic. The organizational and technical side of the digital revolution leads to the emergence of new jobs in the field of creating products, as well as new forms of employment, the emergence of new professions. The socio-economic sphere, on the one hand, is manifested from the point of view of expanding the opportunities for the development of human capital.Information technology can serve the interests of the society and, for personal benefit, can lead to the emergence of stable forms of employment by employment. Therefore, the digital revolution has both positive and negative sides for the economy and society.Klaus Schwab said: "the Fourth Industrial Revolution creates fewer jobs in new industries compared to previous revolutions. Only 0.5% of US labor resources are employed in industries that did not exist at the beginning of the i century, less than 8% of new jobs were created in the 80-ies of the last century and 4,5% of new jobs - in the nineties. In order to attract investments in information and other advanced technologies in the digital economy, it is necessary not only to create a large number of products that require additional labor, but also to replace existing workers with higher qualifications. According to the impact of technological innovation on unemployment: "according to the results of this study, close to 47% of the jobs in the US are likely to be automated over the next twenty yearsraydi, which is characterized by a wider range of professions that will be destroyed faster than the process of changes in the labor market that occurred during the In addition, there is a growing trend of polarization in the labor market. Employment increases in cognitive and creative professions that generate high returns, low-income manual labor, but the demand for standard professions that generate average returns decreases"[4].The introduction of digital technologies will allow to accelerate all economic processes, but what changes will occur in the country as a result of the acceleration of these processes - the projection or degradation of the economy - will undoubtedly depend on the development of human capital. Society is experiencing radical changes during the period of digitization of the economy and at a time when the value of information is growing rapidly. It should be noted that in the digital economy, the main asset of the country will be human capital and its quality, that is, specialists who have deep knowledge in the field of new technologies, are able to apply them to life, are able to improve the old ones, are considered the main force.Digital economy is a socio - economic system in the form of electronic, Internet, network and virtual economy, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the production of goods and the provision of services through digital data, which is directly related to the development of information and communication technologies of economic activity.
The development of the digital economy has led to a sharp increase in the volumes of information needed to make managerial decisions in the economy to a different extent. Ultimately, the knowledge of personal and the development of information and communication technologies in the national economy demonstrate an increase in its level of development and competitiveness. In developed countries and new industrial countries, the share of the digital economy in the national gross domestic product reached 7%. The formation of the digital economy in these countries leads to an increase in their high efficiency in the economy. In particular, the US has raised $ 400 billion annually. more than dollars are exporting "digital services". More than 5% of its gross domestic product falls within the Internet and information and communication technologies sectors.
- In the digital economy, through modern technologies such as robotics, large-scale data and artificial intelligence, jobs are being informed, production is improving radically, as a result of which, along with a sharp increase in labor productivity, these processes have a strong impact on the global labor market.
- The development of the digital economy is directly information and communication
- determined by the development of technologies:
- - increase in the production of goods and the provision of services, as well as knowledge and information with added value. This is reflected in the increase in the cost of knowledge, research and experience-constructive work in the product;
- increase in the economic efficiency of a digital product (service) on account of a decrease in production costs;
-enterprises, the scope of overwhelming use of one Labor and other resources within the framework of specialized regional "digital clusters" infrastructures Internet trade, rapid development of financial exchanges due to the fact that the trading platforms on the internet are not limited;
- enterprises to gain competitive advantage in the marketsthe size of the scale is reduced, the emergence of virtual Enterprises, etc.
One of the most important problems in the effective organization and conduct of labor activity in the conditions of the development of the digital economy is the issue of attracting qualified personnel. Today, the rapid development of the global economy and the emergence of the possibility of using the Internet system on a large scale are giving an opportunity to solve this problem.
The development of the economy leads to the emergence of modern non-standard forms of employment:
- informal employment;
- virtual employment;
- incomplete employment;
- self-employment;
- temporary unemployment
due to the fact that there are no limits to trading platforms on the internet, the rapid development of Internet trading, financial exchanges;
- enterprises to gain competitive advantage in the markets
the size of the scale is reduced, the emergence of virtual Enterprises, etc.
With the development of information technology, new areas of employment are emerging today. Employers have the opportunity to hire employees on a voluntary basis and at their discretion, and the difference in geographic location and time does not matter. Employees are able to perform their duties remotely using information technology, without leaving home, and are able to perform the specified task at any given time. [3].
When working at a distance, serious changes are also taking place in the nature of the traditional workplace, the time of validity, the location of the workplace, the forms of payment for Labor. In the digital economy, now the content of unemployment is radically changing, because at the moment, through digital technologies, labor tasks are distributed, and not jobs.
Digital technologies require the employee to take responsibility along with high qualifications and knowledge and independently carry out labor activities. Now the employee himself regulates his labor activity, wages are made through the Internet. External control of the employee's labor activity is carried out by means of data, reports, without his involvement.The fact that serious changes are also taking place in the sphere of employment in the conditions of transition to the digital economy is proof that the demand for specialists with modern knowledge and skills is constantly increasing. Bunda is also experiencing changes in employees ' workplaces and working conditions. The transition to the digital economy leads to a change in the composition of employment, the effective use of the potential of employees intellektual, as well as factors that increase the efficiency of innovative processes kengay level of influence. Bunda innovative forms of employment related to the development of information and communication technologies: including remote work, teleband, non - standard employment, the development of yo-employment, virtual workplaces, frilancing, etc.are becoming increasingly popular. The integration processes and globalisation, the provision of information to the labor market, the increase in employee mobility and the emergence of new jobs in terms of quality, are creating a surge in competition among the workforce for jobs and among employers for skilled labor.The process of innovation development of the labor market, corresponding to the innovation economy, is being formed in our country as in the world. This process necessitates the formation of a specific sense of improvement and promotion of socio-economic, institutional foundations of the introduction of innovative forms and types of employment with employment in the labor market. The strategy of development of the labor market in the direction of innovation determines new requirements, which provide for the theoretical, methodological and practical analysis and systematization of modern socio-economic phenomena, changes in the quality indicators of its traditional directions from the system of regulation of employment.
Accordingly, taking into account the territorial characteristics of the development of the labor market in Uzbekistan in the conditions of transition to the digital economy, the introduction of modern forms and types of employment and the improvement of their institutional framework are of particular importance.
It is important to popularize innovative forms of employment provision of the population in our country and create conditions. Having studied the experience of developed countries, we can note that one of the modern and promising forms of providing the population with jobs is remote employment. The main advantage of home labor is its flexibility. Employees have the opportunity to remotely organize labor activities on the basis of mutual agreement, regardless of the location of the enterprise.
In our opinion, remote employment is a form of employment in which the employer and employee interact through information and Communication Technologies, located in separate buildings.
Remote employment can distinguish the following types of employment:
- home labor. Presupposes the performance of certain tasks in the home environment. Home-made will be an example of this;
- remote employment, in some publications they are quoted as telebands or telecommuters. They carry out labor activities remotely. An employment contract is concluded between the employer and the employee;
- mobile remote employment. It can be done even without a personal computer or Internet connection. An example of this can be cited trading agents;
- frilancing, bunda co-worker, performs labor activity, some tasks without formalizing the enterprise as an employee (picture 1).
It is desirable that the normative-legal acts regulating mass-economic employment regulate the relationship between the state, the employer and the employee, protect their interests and reflect on themselves the following: the regulation of the wages of remote workers and the regulation of the wage payment system; the reflection of the interests and rights of remote workers; the determination of the obligations and; it is desirable to regulate the obligations of employers in emergency situations; remote workers, their labor activity and regulation of Labor results; regulation of relations with the trade union; regulation of relations with subjects of remote employment; norms of state regulation of remote employment; establishment of the procedure for taxation of employers and employees; it is desirable to reflect the state guarantees that provide
Let's highlight the advantages and disadvantages of modern forms of employment. The advantage of modern forms of employment is the rational use of working time for both the employee and the employer. For this reason, the elasticity of the labor market is increasing, because each person chooses for himself an employer for a short period of time (until the fulfillment of an unfamiliar task) and acquires a high compensation, leads to an increase in the level of employment of citizens, including those with disabilities, new jobs appear, the procedure for hiring and dismissal is simplified. For enterprises, costs are reduced due to the emergence of the opportunity to retain the necessary workers in the event of a decrease in the production of personnel.Modern forms of employment, such as freelance and mote employment, allow to establish labor relations with employers from any space without restrictions on borders and long distances [4].
When sorting out the frilancer, the employer focuses on work experience based on the appearance, age, sex, ability than knowledge and the distribution of the work performed.[3]
The main disadvantages of unconventional forms of recruitment can be considered informal and the development of unemployment, since Labor Relations are not always formalized, as a result of which there are risks that the employee can not protect his rights in the event of conflicts.
it leads to the emergence of independent professionals who have a strong and significant human and social capital. In this regard, they are important subjects of modernization of the economy of the country, the possibilities of using digital technologies to carry out its activities expended prospects for personal development.
1-picture. Remote Emloyment Organization System
Figure 1.
Source: compiled by the author.
In place of the conclusion, it can be noted that when some aspects of remote employment are legalized, the acquisition of informal employment is made, the possibility of formalization of income and, in particular, the absence of employment on the territory of residence, the possibility of officially remote employment, the realization of their abilities and the possibility of obtaining income is created.
In the effective organization of remote employment, it is important to pay attention to the improvement of labor legislation, improvement of the system of guarantees for remote workers, control means and security of communication and information.
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